A playlist to help you keep the right pace during life saving maneuvers

These are CPR songs released on Spotify by New York Presbyterian Hospital

There are playlists for Spotify with songs that would have the perfect rhythm to set the pace for those who have to perform life-saving chest compressions in an emergency after someone’s heart has stopped beating.

Between theseSongs for cardiopulmonary resuscitation“published New York Presbyterian Hospital. Obviously, the playlist was not created to be listened to during compression, but only to raise awareness that you can save a life using only your hands. Among the songsstay alive“, a story song by the Bee Gees, “Just dance“from Lady Gaga,”Rumor has it» Adele or «I’m sorry” Justin Bieber, “Who’s that girl» Madonna, «Dancing queen» Abbas.

“The thing about Stayin’ Alive is that it has a rhythm of 103 beats per minute (Bpm). For this reason, it has been proposed in the United States to use it as a “mental metronome” to help rescuers perform compressions at the correct rate, which should actually be 100–120 beats per minute. By the way, contrary to popular belief, cardiopulmonary resuscitation can be performed without the use of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. – explain cardiologists. Guidelines recommend performing external CPR only when the rescuer is not trained in ventilation techniques or ventilation is otherwise not possible. Indeed, at least in the first 10 minutes after the onset of cardiac arrest, there is still a sufficient amount of oxygen in the blood. If the circulation can distribute it, there is no problem with survival as long as chest compression is used for basic life support.”.

Early initiation of cardiopulmonary resuscitation by people present and waiting for help to arrive is essential for later survival with good neurological function. However, some researchers are skeptical about the usefulness of music, as it has been found that not only is a good rhythm needed, but the compression must also have the correct depth.

From: Alice gem


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