A poster with a message about Lionel Messi caused huge controversy in Bolivia hours after the game against Argentina

Wherever he goes, Messi becomes the center of attention.This is what happens during these times BoliviaWhere Argentina They will play their second match of the South American qualifiers against a local team on Tuesday.However, this situation This bothered some fans of the Green Team.

Also read: How much do the oxygen tubes used by the Argentina national team cost and how do they work?

The La Paz mayor’s office decided to invest some money Posters from different areas of the city Host Albiceleste. “Messi, you are amazing!” and “Welcome champions” are some of the messages circulating on the streets of Bolivia’s capital.

Furthermore, in front of the Hernando Siles Stadium, A mural is completed In it you can see Lionel Messi shaking hands with former Bolivian player Marco Echeverri. Also surrounding are the faces of Diego Maradona, Mario Alberto Kempes and local stars Carlos Borja and Ramiro Castillo.

Mural in front of Hernando Siles Stadium (Photo: EFE)

Mural in front of Hernando Siles Stadium (Photo: EFE)

Criticism of Argentina national team reception

These moves by the team led by Lionel Scaloni inspired a series of Criticizes local authorities for lack of support for Bolivian national team Or provide it to other Bolivian athletes when they need it.

According to the agency, a passerby said: “We are such pimps!” Effie, he barely saw the painting dedicated to Messi and Argentina. However, other citizens also supported the memorial.

The mayor of Bolivia on social networks, Ivan Ariasreceived several messages from local fans and political opponents They accused him of “using the money of the people of La Paz to support another team.”

Argentina national team and Inter Miami No. 10 T-shirts for sale on the streets of La Paz (Photo: EFE)

Argentina national team and Inter Miami No. 10 T-shirts for sale on the streets of La Paz (Photo: EFE)

Arias had to clarify at a press conference that while a “welcome event” for Argentina was ready, another initiative would be launched in the coming hours to support the Bolivian team. He also explained that the controversial poster was funded by a private company, not the government.

When asked about the mural, the mayor of La Paz emphasized that it was an expression of the city’s “acceptance and importance” of its competitors. “There is no need to make more noise,” he concluded.

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