Abra Kadabra!Elandio gives himself over to magic

Abra Kadabra!Elandio gives himself over to magicMH

Txoborro, Asier Kidam and Gonzalo Albiñana burst into Plaza Irailaren 23a and nothing was ever the same again. It was 1:00 in the afternoon on a sunny morning in Erandio, and a family was enjoying themselves in the heart of Arzaga: beer, coffee, little bikes coming and going, babies taking their first steps, girls sharing Bizarre adventures…where everything changes when the Master of Illusion appears. Many people are waiting for them. “How many magicians will come?” one daughter asked her Amatsu. “Three, I think three,” he replied. It didn’t fail.There are three actors starring in this drama Magipoteo, one of the initiatives of the Erandio Magikoa FestivalThe town was captivated all weekend long.

Get to know people through this activity, technique. That’s the essence of this year’s magical event of blowing out seven candles. “Our main goal is to bring magic to the public, and it’s not always the public that has to find the magic“, he emphasized tolmagoaIn addition to his participation, he is responsible for organizing the festival, which has, in fact, managed to attract Eradioztarras. Magipoteo is part of the backbone as magicians go out into the street to where the kids play, parents watch and the staff drink. Yesterday, it happened in Irailaren 23a Square. Upon their arrival, crowds of children and adults gathered to watch the magicians’ performances up close, try to catch them, and laugh with the amusing artists. Txoborro turns into Uri Geller at one point and destroys a spoon at Akupe wine tasting Asier Kidam was able to convert 10 euro notes into 50 euros, making everyone in the room envious.. “This is what I do for a living in reality, the magical stuff is just a cover,” he admits.and Gonzalo Albiñana’s rope game makes many smile

Gonzalo Albiñana’s rope trick had the little ones laughing.

These are just some of the dreams of Erandio Magikoa, who Last night he had his moment of glory in the grand spectacle of Merkatu Zaharra. But on Friday the sisters who make up the duo “Magician Girls” brought animation to Goikoa, and today it’s the turn of Astrabudua, because this is another cornerstone of the event: the three main neighborhoods of Erandio are the stage. There’s magic here and there’s magic there. Therefore, at the Josu Murueta Cultural Center, Asier Kidam will present his program “Smile” (1:00 pm). Here’s his talk: Tired of broccoli? Tired of rising bills? Give yourself a break and come see the smiles. At 6:00 pm, this time in Josu Murueta Square, Civi-Civiac will teach the people about their elixir, a secret mixture with many powers… In addition, Tor and Txoborro as the future Harry Potter teachers who will offer some amazing little ideas in some children’s workshops (Josu Murueta Centre, 11:30 am, Basque Country). All free.

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