According to scientific research, this is the healthiest food in the world, but Spaniards rarely eat it

A plate of watercress (Shutterstock)

Following a healthy diet includes eating a variety of foods rich in nutrients and vitamins that help ensure the proper functioning of the body. For years, scientists around the world have been trying to figure out which foods are healthiest and what health benefits they provide to the body. A recent study showed that one specific vegetable tops all lists: watercress.

The study, conducted by American doctor Jennifer Di Noia of William Paterson University, examined 47 foods to see which ones contained more nutrients important for health.Watercress was the highest scoring vegetable, followed by Cabbage, beets and beets. Of the fruits and vegetables studied, those that provided the least nutrients were white grapes, sweet potatoes and leeks.

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watercress, or watercress In English, it is not one of the most consumed vegetables in Spain, although many people will try it without knowing it, as it is often used in different salads. Watercress are the shoots and leaves of the watercress plant in the cruciferous family.its aroma and Slightly spicy But it has a slightly sweet taste that is somewhat reminiscent of the characteristic flavor of mustard.

Watercress contains large amounts of vitamin A, folic acid and vitamin C.Just 100 grams of watercress is enough 38% of daily value This vitamin is recommended for moderately physically active men and women aged 20 to 39 years, based on recommendations from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Its vitamin C content makes it a great source of immune system boosting, even higher than oranges and lemons, which are known for their high vitamin C content.

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Watercress is a source of thiamine and vitamin E and contains cancer-causing inhibitors that may help Prevent lung and esophageal cancer. In popular medicine, watercress is also used as a stimulant and diuretic to relieve symptoms of conditions such as bronchitis and different skin conditions. Additionally, the watercress plant has numerous health benefits as it is rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and helps control cholesterol.

Of the 47 foods examined in Dr. Di Noia’s study, the ones that provided the most nutrients and vitamins after watercress were: Chinese cabbage, beet, beet, spinach, endive, lettuce leaves, parsley and romaine lettuce. On the other hand, foods with the least nutrients include white grapes, sweet potatoes, leeks, blackberries, radishes, Swedish radishes, grapefruits and limes.

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