Adamari Lopez reveals he fell into coma due to flu complications: ‘It was so scary’

Adamari Lopez Generally speaking, women prefer to keep His private life is kept away from the public eye. However, in a recent interview with Yordi Rosado; Surprised by pivotal moment to reveal her health Complications resulting from severe respiratory illness, especially influenza.

Owner Shares for the first time what he initially thought was just a common cold This became an episode during her trip to the hospital. She subsequently fell into an induced coma that lasted three weeks and has only now decided to break her silence on the matter.

Adamari López reveals he fell into coma due to complications from flu: "That's too bad"

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Adamari Lopez reveals he has been in induced coma for weeks

Adamali said in his conversation with Jodi that initially, He attributed his symptoms to a simple cold. Even though I feel uncomfortable, Decided to continue to perform his job responsibilities, Despite his apparent deterioration in health, signs of illness were completely ignored and he returned to the program.

However, A persistent cough and other symptoms prompted her to seek medical attention. Despite treatment, her condition unfortunately worsened, causing her to nearly faint.

“I was really scared of the flu, I thought it was a cold, and then it got complicated because I’m not one to go to the doctor, so I thought it would go away because it was the flu.”

at that time He contacted a friend who worked in a hospital She rushed her to hospital, where her last memory of what happened was, and revealed that she then fell into a coma and remained in it for three weeks.

“I woke up badly, I took a shower and got ready (…) and he took me and I just remember opening the car door and I don’t remember anything else from that point on. I walked to the hospital and they asked me what they thought about I had a thousand tests but I couldn’t remember and from there I went into an induced coma and I looked bad, he told me, because I couldn’t remember”.

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Adamari Lopez intubated due to flu complications

During the recovery process, According to the famous lady, it was quite a challenge. Well, three weeks later he woke up, She was found intubatedand Loss of muscle mass and difficulty walking, In addition to having no memory of most of what happened before and after the coma.

“My brother said I called to him with my hands but I couldn’t breathe. I didn’t understand what was happening and it was so scary to get out of the bath. What they told me about the situation and the pictures was a big blow to me and I Walking was difficult and I lost muscle mass, so everything was a motivation and had to be good at some point.”

Adamari López reveals he fell into coma due to complications from flu: "That's too bad"

The host also revealed that the first thing she saw after waking up from a coma was a photo of her daughter and a rosary.

I don’t remember, I just remember waking up and seeing a picture of my daughter, a rosary, drawings of kids who went to school with my daughter, and a tube in my throat.

Adamari Lopez

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