Admitted to hospital and had a piece of lung removed

Roger Escapa and his supplements Every weekend Radio Catalunya offers its listeners unmissable conversations with its many guests.Some of these conversations were shocking, controversial, and prompted many comments, like his Mercedes Miraone person from Esplugues said of political prisoners: “Isn’t amnesty enough? What more do they want? “Free apartments and houses on the Costa Brava?” and other phrases that upset he responded Jaire Dominguez, “Mercedes, the apartment is not necessary. As long as they respect us a little and don’t steal 20 billion euros from us every year, I will be satisfied.”“.

Yet many of the interviews on “The Runaways” are brilliant, touching, overwhelming and exciting. As he did to a beloved Catalan presenter from TV3 who, a few years ago, was a station man on Radio Catalonia: Lucia Ferrer.The host is Atrapa if jar We’ve already seen in autumn 2023 how its successful competition – one of the most popular weekend options – has jumped to a daily competition, airing from Monday to Friday ahead of the game passing by. Good old Lucia is currently going through a great professional and personal moment with his family, work and health. But not long ago, he went through perhaps one of his worst moments with his illness.

Lucia Ferrer / @lluciaferrer

Ferrer suffered pneumonia “Very fucked”. It screwed up and they had to put him in the hospital. Not one day, not two days, not three days, but more. The illness coincided with one of the worst moments of his career, which may have accelerated his low defense: “It was just after my time at Radio Catalunya and it was definitely one of the most difficult moments of my career. I think that’s what made me weaker, I got pneumonia and then 22 days in hospital“It was a very complicated form of pneumonia where the entire lung was filled with pus… six kilograms of pus in one lung, “It took my breath away and an ambulance had to come and take me home”. This is a type of bacteria that can be found on the street or anywhere.

At the clinic they punctured his side and cleared out his entire lung, but his lungs are weak and when he gets any cold that’s worse than necessary it ends up in his lungs, He would develop a small case of pneumonia. A way of the cross This made Lucia say enough was enough, and he decided to take remedial measures and face it bravely. “I am very tired“Fortunately, they at the clinic are experts in thoracic and lung surgery, and the doctors recommended: “listen,Why not take out this little piece of lung?…said and done. “A year and a half ago I had a small piece removed, not even a quarter of my lung. I can live a normal life, I do exercise…, but the worst part is I still smoke “… make out.

One of the most profound and realistic voices in Catalan media, he will always be grateful to the doctors at the clinic. We celebrate your recovery.

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