After striking out with Tom Brady, Veronika Rajek turns lonely eyes to Travis Kelce

Hassan Bratic. Shutterstock images.

By now, no one who owns the Barstool app, or has it bookmarked, or has a vague idea of ​​what the internet is, has no reason not to know about Instagram superstar model Veronika Rajek. She has accumulated 6.2 million fans, not just to keep you from knowing about her existence.

But just as a brief history lesson, she’s the one who shot to fame just over a year ago for registering her body as a lethal weapon:

Although I would add that the Bill of Rights protects her right to keep and bare her arms and all. We can’t let the Liberals take it away; emirit? !

Nor did it cost Layek any followers to undergo a medical procedure that would allow doctors to answer the questions that many cynical, superficial people have apparently been asking. Medically proven they are indeed real and spectacular:

But most of all, what put her on the pop culture map was about this time a year ago, when she publicly expressed her feelings for Tom Brady:

It’s understandable that she expressed her intentions in this way. Not only was Brady recently divorced, the game she played in was his 53rd fourth quarter comeback and his 70th win, including the playoffs:

It’s worth noting that both Layek and Brady were fit, healthy, famous, successful, incredibly attractive, sexually voracious people with all their natural urges. It makes perfect sense for her to shoot the way she does. In fact, anyone who has ever lived through Brady (my hand goes up) will be delighted to see the resolution between these two superhuman specimens.

But alas, that was not the case. For whatever reason, Brady hasn’t been in a relationship for a while. Probably to re-introduce himself to someone he didn’t really have time to get to know: himself. Then, deeper into the middle of Goat Lake, he finally began to see Irina Shayk:

But that didn’t last long. Finally, this is the kind of summer romance that John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John sang about while all your aunties were running around at family weddings Get on the dance floor and that’s it.

So where was Layek when Brady finally told Shayk, “Welcome to Templesville, population: you”? Still in the cold. Apparently, because the two didn’t say a word. Whether she tries again, we don’t know. What we know for sure is that Brady is still out of her league. We know this for sure. Because during her recent trip to Las Vegas, she let it be known she was slumming it:

LV tried their best, but the Chiefs played great. I must admit. Kelce is a great player and a big guy. I understand what Taylor means, “the road less traveled.” 😉

Sweet car line. Travis Kelce? seriously? Where is the Veronica Rajek we used to know? Where does the pride come from? Where is the courage? Celebrity IG models who follow Brady reach out to star. She is fearless, driven and only wants the best. Now Travis Kelce? Really? I can forgive misquoting “The Road Not Taken,” but not this one. Just because he is a current thing. He is very fashionable. Get everyone’s attention. This is inappropriate behavior for someone who 51 weeks ago seemed to be flying close to the sun. The behavior of a woman who has been compared to a man who has been at the top of the famous food chain since the Kells Brothers entered Sears Toughskins is completely inappropriate.

This is so, so sad. Typical Heather high school behavior. Want something you can’t have, just because the popular girls have it. And anyone who doesn’t deserve to date Tom Brady. I would appreciate it if you stopped mentioning him in your posts in the future. But don’t stop posting. “Danger” is my middle name when it comes to your tasteful fashion photos. Thank you, sorry for bothering you.

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