Aguignano’s trick to make canned peppers perfect in just 1 minute

Chili peppers are one of those foods that will make your mouth water. These small, triangular-shaped peppers, rich and bright in color, native to Navarre, have a mesmerizing flavor. Apart from, They have many health benefits This makes it wise to make them part of your diet.

If you are one of the many lovers of this food, you cannot miss trying one of the most delicious recipes in Spanish cuisine. Chili peppers are a versatile ingredient that you can easily add to your menu at any time of the year and can be enjoyed in both hot and cold dishes.

Before revealing Carlos Aguignano’s secret to delicious and successful canned peppers, you should know that you can add these peppers to salads, as a filling, or even as part of a delicious sauce. Likewise, you can bake them and season them with a little salt, a little extra virgin olive oil, or a little minced garlic. so, It can be turned into a delicious, quick and healthy snack.

Karlos Arguiñano’s best tips for preparing chili peppers

Preparing a delicious dish from canned peppers is much easier than you think, as it can be done easily in just a few minutes, especially thanks to the best tips of one of the chefs, Karlos Arguiñano . After more than thirty years on television, around the world.

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If you want to enjoy perfect little peppers with a more textured flavor and excellent aroma and texture, you don’t have to prepare them from scratch, but you can use the purchased canned or jarred product. In this way, they retain all their qualities and become an economical and simple alternative for preparing the following recipes.

For four people, you will need: 1 jar of canned peppers, extra virgin olive oil, salt and sugar. As long as you gather these four ingredients, you can make a delicious dish. The preparation steps are as follows:

  1. first, Cans or cans of chili must be opened and drain them in a colander.
  2. Using a large skillet, pour a generous amount of extra virgin olive oil and add the peppers, with their wide parts facing out of the pan and their tips inwards.
  3. Now it’s time to put Carlos Arguignano’s skills into practice. This involves sprinkling a teaspoon of sugar on the peppers, which helps balance their acidity and enhance their juiciness and flavor. Next, you can season it with salt or even add a little pepper or other herbs if you like.
  4. When it ends, Be sure to cook on low heat for 10-15 minutes Flip them a few times to make sure they cook evenly.

Chili pepper benefits

Chili peppers have many health-promoting properties, so in addition to their exquisite flavor, it is recommended to include them in a healthy and balanced diet. Among its main features we should highlight:

  • Rich in fiber: Chili peppers have a high water content, which means they provide the body with less calories and less fat, and are highly recommended to anyone following a low-calorie diet, although roasting as a cooking method must be used for this. Due to its fiber content, it creates a feeling of fullness, which is why it is also very helpful for anyone aiming to lose weight.
  • They contain capsaicin: One of their top priorities is the inclusion of capsaicin, an ingredient that has dual effects on health. On the one hand, it has a natural antibiotic effect, and on the other hand, it has analgesic and stimulating effects on the gastric mucosa and gallbladder.
  • They can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease: They are an excellent source of antioxidants such as vitamins E and C, as well as other carotenoids such as capsanthin, which help combat the damaging effects of free radicals while reducing the likelihood of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.
  • Diuretic effect: As a food rich in potassium and low in sodium, it has a diuretic effect and helps remove fluid from the body. Therefore, they are especially recommended for people with problems such as high blood pressure, gout, kidney stones, or fluid retention.

Once you know some of its main benefits, it’s worth remembering that while cayenne pepper is delicious on its own, since it’s a versatile ingredient you can add it to many other preparations, From potato omelette with peppers, You can decorate every part of them, even the tenderloin steak with cheese and pepper strips or the bonito pepper toast, which is perfect to eat as a snack and you can surprise all your guests with it.

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