AI video with Gandhi and Kanye West is the grave of the media industry

While a video of Heidi made with AI is circulating the net in a disturbingly distorted version, seen as a demonstration of artificial intelligence’s foolhardy ability to create finished works, on the other hand Isis and Nazis There is a War with the Matrix video with Gandhi. Edition Kanye West, a revolutionary, shows how far completely fake creations, so-called deepfakes, can go.

Crafted with AI tools and a ridiculous budget, but able to offer immersive content, beyond the reach of traditional media. A shocking video that the author has in mind shows the end of the traditional media industry as we know it, as well as the devastating effects on those who will lose their jobs because of these technologies.

In the United States, the video War with the Matrix, as reported by Yahoo Finance, is already a scam and has been successful on social networks, even being praised by reputable critics and journalists. Perhaps the enthusiasm is excessive, or anyway it is too early to understand its true significance, but the creators’ statements leave their mark.

In the subtitle, the authors specify that the video has a budget of $30 and was created with AI tools for static images of Midjorney that follow each other in rapid sequence, as well as AI tools that recorded The audio quality of the songs played has been improved. Smartphone, one morning operation done via smartphone, one session time in the bathroom. Literally.

New York hip-hop artist Big Baby Gandhi, who co-wrote the video with multimedia artist Laila Rao, has no half measures:

“The floodgates are opening. As these AI tools become increasingly accessible, there will be an increase in high-quality production that traditional media simply cannot compete with.

We are heading into a content arms race where the risk of attracting attention is increasing and the content will become more extreme.”

A prophecy has already been heard which this video further demonstrates. For the two authors, and not only for them, AI tools will be used to generate content that is completely fake, false, increasingly unrealistic, increasingly indistinguishable from reality. Even more and more extreme.

AI video with Gandhi and Kanye West is the grave of the media industry

Like this video that’s packaged to generate shock and excitement: the recipe has always worked in this case, why shouldn’t it do the same with future advances? But the statements are even more shocking than the shocking video:

Big Baby Gandhi predicts, “The economic incentives that sustain the media industry will be gone.” “It’s simple supply and demand: When supply goes up, price goes down. Artificial intelligence exponentially increases the supply of high quality content. Many media professionals will be laid off and will lose their jobs. This is the story of AI in every field.

We are in good hands because it seems that even the creators of the most powerful and promising AI models can’t agree on what to expect or fear from this technology. Instead, it looks like two underground artists clearly know it.

All the news talking about artificial intelligence starts from this page of mackittynet.

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