All about Christopher Nolan’s film on Oppenheimer, the ‘reputed father’ of the atomic bomb

The film, which follows the historical figure of American physicist Robert Oppenheimer, considered the father of the atomic bomb, will be released in Italian cinemas on August 23, 2023 (while in the United States it will debut in cinemas on July 21). With a final duration of three hours, it would be the longest film in Nolan’s filmography of all of them. Here’s everything you need to know about one of the most anticipated movie titles of the summer, and some history as well

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oppenheimerThe highly anticipated film directed by Christopher Nolanch about the historical figure of the American physicist (alleged father of the atomic bomb) will be released in Italian cinemas on August 23, 2023 (while in the United States it will debut in cinemas) on July 21 To).

According to a representative, it will be the longest film in Nolan’s filmography with a final runtime of three hours. puck news Dated March 2023. Here’s everything you need to know about one of the most anticipated movie titles of the summer, and some history as well.

let’s start with the remarkable period of oppenheimerA much longer film than those British directors to whom we owe the Dark Knight trilogy have accustomed us, start, Interstellar, Dunkirk And keeper, Just to name a few. Three hours belies the fact that there’s a lot of history to tell, because we’re talking about Robert Oppenheimer, the hero of one of the most historic, scandalous, important, revolutionary and deadly inventions of all time : atom bomb.
So Nolan’s audience will be spending a lot of time inside theaters to enjoy the English filmmaker’s version of The Manhattan Project.
For starters, the Manhattan Project is the top-secret US military program with which a very large team of American physicists and European refugee scientists built the first prototype of an atomic bomb, called the Gadget, in the Los Alamos desert. The same group of scholars built the first two devices for use in combat, called Little Boy and Fat Man, which were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, respectively.

The duration of the film is not a problem, also thanks to the trend it started dune by Denis Villeneuve

Period of oppenheimer This certainly won’t be a problem for Nolan fans, who are now used to sitting in the cinema seat for long periods of time. Habit is also due to the tendency of opening by dune by Denis Villeneuve, a film that sanctifies the trend of “mileage” movies.

But without bringing in fellow directors (like Villeneuve), it will suffice to sift through Nolan’s filmography to find the films that paved the way for his new three-hour film: the one Nolan chose to film in 2012. the dark Knight Rises 164 minute final montage. Two years later, interstellar 169 Minutes and other landmark projects of the director like start And keeper far exceeds the “standard”, i.e. limit (tolerance of a large segment of the public) of two hours.

All about Christopher Nolan’s film on Oppenheimer, the ‘reputed father’ of the atomic bomb


The Nuclear Trap, the Bomb Contaminates Culture (From Dali to Kubrick)

The trend is for blockbusters over two hours

Although for decades the rule was to “limit” films to two hours, in recent times the trend seems instead to be towards blockbusters that exceed the canonical duration. The latest example is from Blockbuster. John Wick: Chapter 4 Directed by Chad Stahelski and starring the inimitable Keanu Reeves, it consists of 169 minutes of heroic deeds.

Earlier this year, Oscar winner Damien Chazelle decided to stick us to the big screen for 189 minutes with his babylon, However, with the rise of stars (and beauties) like Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie, the time has passed for most viewers. Quite the contrary: they wanted one more hour, even. And Avatar: The Way of Water, 192 min. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, 161 min. Certainly, though, the three-hour length of “Sunday” may disorient the viewer (so to speak). In addition, it is possible that some viewers may want to stop within the comfortable walls of home (with remote controls with which to hand, toilet breaks, popcorn breaks or even the very disgusting stops and even to that very disgusting stop) opt to suspend viewing. Then continue the vision over the following days). remote control scepter with which to stop, perhaps seeing it in pieces and pieces, will turn oppenheimer In a miniseries, which Nolan certainly wouldn’t want. although of the same length Transformers: Rise of the Beasts And fast x, So maybe the public is getting used to it, even on Sundays. And then you can’t think of less than three hours to tell the story of Oppenheimer & Company.



The Nuclear Trap: A Book About the Bomb, in Film, TV Series and Records

Robert Oppenheimer is played by Irish actor Cillian Murphy.

oppenheimer J. He needs a lot of time to tell the story of Robert Oppenheimer (played by Irish actor Cillian Murphy) well enough to tell it. Oppenheimer was the scientist who was instrumental in the development of one of the deadliest weapons in human history, a weapon that history’s greatest scientist – namely Albert Einstein, who played a pivotal role in the birth of the bomb – assimilated with the mousetrap. For (which a rat would never dream of building, instead the “nuclear trap” that traps humans – and rats too, eh – we made it with our own hands…).

A weapon of mass destruction that has dramatically returned to steal our sleep, plunging us into Cold War-like terror.

nuclear trap


The nuclear trap, the bomb that tarnished pop culture

Emily Blunt, Robert Downey Jr., Florence Pugh and Gary Oldman star in a stellar cast

A stellar cast that brings together Emily Blunt, Robert Downey Jr., Florence Pugh, Gary Oldman, Alden Ehrenreich, Rami Malek, Kenneth Branagh and Josh Hartnett, as well as many other notable names on the same set. And for addition, in the next paragraph you will find out who the director wanted to appoint …
Emily Blunt plays biologist Catherine “Kitty” Oppenheimer, the physicist’s wife; Robert Downey Jr. is Lewis Strauss, the founding commissioner of the US Atomic Energy Commission; Then there’s Matt Damon as General Leslie Groves Jr.; Florence Pugh plays psychiatrist Jean Tatlock. “Every day, these phenomenal actors would come, who are my heroes. To work with these legends, you had to raise your bar every day. Everyone was so incredibly well prepared. Each actor, no matter the size of their role or the importance of their character in the story, each one of them had this vast depth of knowledge that they could draw from,” said the director.

The credit for the excellent quality of acting goes to protagonist Gillian Murphy, who told the English newspaper Guardian the following: “(I’ve done a lot of reading). I’m interested in man and what (the invention of the atomic bomb) does to man. Mechanics aren’t really my thing – I don’t have the intellectual capacity to understand them, but These contradictory characters are fascinating.”



Atomic Traps: films, records and series with an atomic bomb theme

Christopher Nolan hired real scientists as extras

Christopher Nolan said in an interview, “We were in the real Los Alamos and we used a lot of real scientists as extras.” Entertainment Weekly, A gimmick used on set to reinforce the authenticity of a cinematic narrative. “We needed a bunch of extras to react, and improvise, and we were having a kind of candid, very scientific conversation. It was fun listening to them.” Nolan continued, “Sometimes you’re on set where you’re surrounded by a lot of extras and they’re thinking about lunch. These extras were thinking about the geopolitical implications of nuclear weapons.” And knew a lot about it. It’s really been a great reminder every day, like we have to be focused, we have to be true to the story and really know what we’re doing.”

Cillian Murphy in OPPENHEIMER written and directed by Christopher Nolan J.  as Robert Oppenheimer


Oppenheimer, picture from Nolan’s film on the birth of the atomic bomb

(Tags to translate) Christopher Nolan (T) Bombay

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