‘An American Werewolf in London’ and Its Oscar-Winning Terrifying Transformation

Let’s continue Photo Halloween Challenge 2023 with the proposed topic October 10: Werewolf. One of the oldest characters in horror cinema, literature, and traditional folklore. According to legend, werewolves or werewolves appear in two ways.The most common is to receive ‘Mark of the werewolf” through an attack by one of these creatures, but in Galicia and some parts of Latin America it is also said (and is said) that the seventh boy in every family is doomed to suffer an ancestral curse. More of the movies we are focusing on today Most of them are the first variant, Silver Bullet and Howl at the Full Moon: ‘An American Werewolf in London‘.

American Werewolf in London


An American Werewolf in London: A Beastie Movie

Two young Americans were backpacking in the UK when they were attacked by wild animals in the British moors. David survives, but begins to have visions in which his dead friends appear to him like zombies, and on a full-moon night, he feels his animal instincts begin to intensify…

After two North American comedy masterpieces such as “American Desmad” (1978) and “Full Rhythm Thieves” (1980), not long ago the best music video in the history of music “Thriller” (1983) was made with Michael Jackson ), John Landis’s first foray into the horror genre, the film marked a before and after for the genre..

This achievement is partly due to the stunning special makeup effects Rick Bakerhe designed a transformation full of manual skills, showing “in real time” how to The title character played by David Norton transforms into a terrifying werewolf before our very eyes. The work earned her her first Academy Award for Best Makeup and Hairstyling. Then another six arrived (the last one, 2011’s The Wolfman , closing the cycle).

An American Werewolf in London combines black comedy, the most gruesome gore and traditional horror, taking werewolves from the forests of Eastern Europe to the heart of Londonturns him into the protagonist of a full-on movie on a full-moon night, with an ending that hits home.

American Werewolf in London

An American Werewolf in London

Where to watch An American Werewolf in London live

John Landis’ classic film “An American Werewolf in London” Available to watch on MGM premium channels on Movistar+, Filmin and Amazon Prime Video.

The best werewolf horror movies to watch on Halloween

from furry Lon Chaney Jr. in “The Wolf Man” (1941) Until the Halloween Special Marvel’s Curse of the Werewolf 2022Werewolves have been a frequent fixture in horror movies since ancient times. The genre is filled with classics such as "In the company of wolves‘(Neil Jordan, 1984),’Howl“(Joe Dante, 1981) or Spanish”wolf forest‘ (Pedro Olea, 1970), with José Luis Lopez Vazquez.

paul nassi werewolf

Paul Nacy

But if we talk about the genre of Spanish film magazines, we cannot fail to mention mythology Paul Naschy, preeminent legend of fantasy horror and werewolvesand ‘Mark of the werewolf‘ (1968, Enrique López Eguiluz) as the original stone and ‘Walpurgis Night‘ (1971, Leon Klimovsky) as the main representative.Jacinto Molina made nearly a hundred genre films in which he played characters such as Frankenstein, Dracula or Jack the Ripper, but he will always be remembered as Werewolf Waldemar Daninski. Many of his films are screened on the Spanish film platform Flixolé.

Fran Chico's profile picture

Fran is a film and series expert specializing in cultural communication and film criticism. Even though his favorite genre is horror, his take on Marvel’s new UCM blockbuster is the same as his take on a purported auteur film making its way around the film festival circuit.

No Netflix, HBO Max, Amazon Prime Video or Disney+ series escapes its radar, and it digs deep into each platform’s catalog to recommend and analyze its best content.

Fran has been writing on Fotogramas for over a year now, but his beginnings go back about twenty years ago, on film forums and blogs such as Planeta Claqueta or Moviementarios. He is the founder and board member of Revista Mutaciones, a digital publication of film criticism and analysis, and a member of the Spanish Association of Cinematic Intelligencers (AICE), the awarding body of the Feroze Prize and Blogos de Oro Independent Cinema.

After completing the MA in Film Criticism at the Madrid Cinema School (ECAM) taught by Caimán Cuadernos de Cine, he worked and/or reported 10 times as a professional media with film festivals such as San Sebastian, Sitges and the Madrid Film Festival for many years. Interviews with relevant directors and actors in the domestic film industry, such as Penelope Cruz, Carlos Saura, Ana de Armas, José Luis Kurda or José Sacristan, and The James Wan, Edgar Wright or Dario Argento of international cinema.

His knowledge and experience have led him to become a cinematic vlogger for Fnac Spain, as well as director and host of the podcast Holocausto Zinéfago, which presents more than 150 programs in which cinema and humor are blended from unique and original perspectives .

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