An elderly man cycling from Rivolta d’Adda ended up on the Eastern Ring Road

An elderly man cycling from Rivolta d’Adda ends up on the Eastern Ring Road: a call to 112 was made on the afternoon of Sunday 3 September 2023.

An elderly man cycling from Rivolta ended up on the Eastern Ring Road

A bad adventure, fortunately with a happy ending, experienced in the late afternoon of Sunday, September 3, 2023, with 84-year-old man from Rivolta d’Adda.

According to Prima La Martesana, The man ended up cycling along Milan’s eastern ring road, one of the busiest roads in Lombardy. Here he accused felt unwell and was helped by 118 and the Arcore traffic police., who intervened on the A51 following an emergency call.

Call 112

The alarm was triggered in the area of ​​Cologno Monzese (Michigan), on the A51 motorway towards Milan. It remains to be seen at what point the elderly man turned onto the Eastern Ring Road, based on the assumption that he certainly could not have done this on a bicycle. He’s certainly come a long way on two wheels, considering the 84-year-old lives in Adda revolt and that’s where he started.

It was about 2:30 pm when it happened a call was made to number 112. The presence of a man on a bicycle was also reported by the video surveillance system on the ring road, whose cameras they took him off while he was pedaling, while the cars were traveling at a speed significantly exceeding it. Polstrada has already begun to track him down.

He feels bad

Arrived shortly after joining the North, he felt bad and ended up on the ground. And it was here that rescuers (notified by code yellow) and traffic police officers reached him. In the end it was transported under code green to the emergency department of Melegnano Hospital for examination.

Following his release from hospital, the Rivolta d’Adda police were also alerted. again handed over to family members.

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