“An unforgettable celebration of the championship, we will bring it to life in the future! I don’t see myself in the world of football when I stop. On Pinot Daniele, Joliet and Liberato…”

Latest news Naples – Goalkeeper Naples Pierluigi Gollini narrates in the voice of the matches at the Diego Armando Maradona Daniele Stadium”decibelsBellini. Long chat on the club’s official channels.

Gollini talks about meeting with Drake happened during experience in youth teams Manchester United as long as the connection with Geolier and other characters from the Italian rap scene.

“Passion for music? It’s all very natural, with the friends I grew up with: already as a child I listened to a lot of rap and hip-hop, the Fabri Fibra phenomenon exploded with Mondo Marcio and it really fascinated me. Not to mention in the US, between Eminem and 50 Cent. Let’s just say that this imagery really fascinated me, at that time there were Walkmen and I started listening to them there.

Was I listening to anything else during this time? I really liked house music, you listen to it when you’re young: I was never a fan of more commercial songs, then I also became interested in blues and jazz. The only thing I don’t really like is rock and hardcore, but that’s personal taste. Then in England I discovered other genres of music.

My trip to England to start my career? There the musical world opened up to me, a year later Drake came to United after recording his first album: Rio Ferdinand brought him into the group and said that he would become one of the best, he walked around the sports center in his United sweatshirt . and played photography with everyone. The guys there listened to different things, there were a lot of Africans or those who came from Belgium: there were already those who listened to grime, which would come here years later, but I never listened to it. The world opened up to me. Photo with Drake? I didn’t do it, I don’t know why: I saw him coming and told myself that I would do it later, then I couldn’t.

Meeting the music? After my first year as a Serie A starter, I went to England, to Aston Villa, and being away from Italy gave me the idea to try to do something of my own: I created several bases, a friend came to me, found me and found out. how to do different things, we set up a small studio at home. Many people told me not to try, then they said that I was great: it is clear that in Italy there are many prejudices about this, but I also did it in order to fight it. There is a cultural veil, as if a high-level athlete cannot simultaneously pursue music, as if certain passions are viewed in a negative light. In America this is normal, I believe that if you respect your profession and also have a passion like music, there is nothing wrong with it.

The year of musical Naples? Very strong music culture, my favorite singer and songwriter is Pino Daniele: I remember the video when he passed away and on that pathetic stage where Napule is, I was very impressed because it was exciting. The city is artistic and the music is a presence: I became friends with Joliere and others, they welcomed me and were glad that I came here. I already met them in Milan, then it is normal that today Naples has a very strong rap scene.

What song do I listen to before a match or training? Walking to the stadium, I listened to “Give You My Love” by Geolier, this is one of my favorite tracks from his album: it was somewhat reminiscent of the soundtrack to my matches.

Championship party? It was such an emotional moment that at certain points I tried to tell myself to enjoy it. I saw the stadium, the fans, my teammates, my family. Before entering, I was listening to Jellier’s performance in the dressing room and went over to watch him to enjoy the performance. Then with Liberato we were all on the field: I sat on a chair to watch the performance, it was magical and unforgettable. I will remember this forever, perhaps the more time passes, the more we will understand how special these moments were.

At the end of my career, will I choose the path of music or football? I don’t believe in music, but I don’t know if I’ll follow the path of football. To this day I don’t see myself like that when I stop, but music will definitely be there: after football it’s my biggest passion, today I have a label and I help children create music, if I can I will continue to do it. “

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