Andalusia will vaccinate target groups against influenza and COVID-19 every day, without an appointment

Andalusia will vaccinate target groups against influenza and COVID-19 every day, without an appointmentit

Minister of Health and Consumer Affairs, Catalina Garciaannounced this Friday that starting next Monday, January 15, Influenza, Covid-19 and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccinations will be available at all health centers without an appointment It was announced last week that recommendations for vaccinations every Thursday without an appointment have been expanded for target groups.

These groups include things like influenza and COVID-19 People over 60 years oldpeople with chronic diseases, health and social health personnel, pregnantsecurity agencies and forces, cohabitants with at-risk groups and smoker. Also, remember to get the childhood flu vaccine for children ages 6 to 59 months. Regarding RSV (the main cause of bronchiolitis), it should be remembered that this immunization is basically aimed at children born between April and September 2023, as well as newborns between October last year and the end of the vaccination campaign .

Catalina García, Minister of Health and Consumer Affairs of the Government of Andalusia, accompanied by the General Manager of the Andalusian Health Service (SAS), garcia valleyand Deputy Director of Hospital Health Management at the Directorate-General for Health Care and Health Outcomes, Maria Jose Ferrer, Following a meeting with the supervisory committee of the Santa Maria del Rossio University Hospital in Seville, they reported this Friday on the current status of the Andalucia High Frequency Programme. Territorial Representative Regina Serrano and Virgen del Rocío Managing Director Manuel Molina were also present.

Andalusia average today High frequency plan phase onewhich means that globally, the percentage increase in this number is less than 10% Emergency situations The increase in the proportion of patients admitted to the hospital for observation or admission for three consecutive days was less than 15%. This was explained by the General Manager of SAS, who detailed how the program works and what aspects are monitored daily by all Andalusian public health care centres, stressing that these are fluctuating data that can occur within a few hours or Variety. Even a few minutes.

“at the moment, 25 hospitals are in Phase 0 – 49% of centers -; nine centers in Phase 1; eight centers in Phase 2, and nine centers in Phase 3” said the general manager, who wanted to send a calming message that “the health center and its professional staff are ready to meet any increase in demand.” “What I want to emphasize is, All patients were treated in the shortest possible time, healthcare is secured and the system is ready to handle any increase in demand. The situation now is not that different from what we have experienced before. Covid-19 pandemic”.

A total of 35,196 hospital emergencies were registered in Andalusia in the first three days of this week, observe -12.97% decrease compared to the same period last week (-5,248), increased from 40,444 to 35,196. Seville and Malaga are the provinces with the highest concentration of emergencies, with 7,983 and 6,330 cases respectively.

Regarding admission matters, The three-day total in Andalusia fell to 3,084 from 3,104 the previous week, a decrease of 0.64%. In terms of emergencies, Seville and Malaga top the list with 728 and 548 hospital admissions respectively.

Urgent care provided by primary care centers saw 156,440 visits last week, a 22% decrease from the previous week. Of the 34 primary care districts, 16 are in Phase 0 – increase to 15% of basic activities -; 10 districts in Phase 1 – 15% to 25% increase -; four districts in Phase 2 – 25% to 35% – and other areas in Phase 3 – with increases above 35% -.

On the other hand, according to the latest information available, data for the first week show that the incidence of acute respiratory infections in Andalusia was 459 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, which means a slight decrease compared to the previous week. Nationally, the figure has almost doubled, with an average of 935.1 registrations per 100,000 inhabitants, also slightly lower than the previous week.

follow Increase current influenza vaccine coverageThe consultant highlighted that this figure is 64% for people over 65 years old and 42.5% for children aged 6 to 59 months. Starting Monday, vaccination sites without reservations will be opened across Andalusia for targeted groups. “Our bet is to be vaccinated to avoid infection and, above all, to avoid severe disease in the population,” Catalina García said. In this sense, he emphasized the success of vaccination. Bronchiolitisthe program has successfully vaccinated 92.4% of babies born between April 1, 2023 and this Thursday, resulting in a 75% decrease in revenue compared to last year.

So, he remembered Influenza infection can increase the risk of heart attack eightfold and the risk of stroke tenfold.. “We are still two to three weeks away from reaching the peak of the respiratory virus. People over 60, those with chronic medical conditions or pregnant women should get the flu and Covid-19 vaccines, and children aged 6 to 59 months should get the flu vaccine , to avoid serious illness and hospitalization. It’s important to note that vaccines change every year due to different strains circulating, so they must update protection against respiratory viruses every fall. ”

at the moment, Since October 2023, a total of 1,708,069 people have been vaccinated against influenza and 1,083,734 people have been vaccinated against Covid-19 in Andalusia. For childhood influenza, 120,677 children aged 6 to 59 months were infected. In terms of influenza coverage, influenza coverage was 56% for people over 60 years old, 74.8% for people over 85 years old, and 90.5% for people in nursing homes. Regarding Covid-19, coverage is 40.4% for people over 60, 56.8% for people over 85, and 83.9% for nursing home staff.

Flu prevention tips from Salud Responde

Garcia also announced that SAS has launched an information campaign through the 061 Health Emergency Center healthy coping Advising people on how to cope with influenza, influenza A or Covid-19.

Citizens will therefore be able to know how to act in the event of a respiratory infection, receiving advice on dealing with the most common symptoms via the telephone number 955 545 060 and the Salud Responde app. Health professionals who are experts in the field have devised a range of general advice for people with a fever over 38 degrees, a cough or a lot of mucus, a headache or a general feeling of discomfort.

The system can be accessed through Salud Responde’s IVR system (Interactive Voice Response) by dialing 955 545 060. Option 1 is for people over 70 who will be referred to an agent. In option two, vaccination is recommended as the most effective way to avoid getting or spreading the flu or Covid-19, and you can make an appointment with your primary care doctor or nurse (option 3) or get general advice for the most common symptoms.

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