Anne Hathaway: Everything you need to know about ‘The Idea of ​​You’, the next film

Julie Andrews and Anne Hathaway in The Princess Diaries

Reconocide actress Ann Hataway This list should include a list of the next cinematic sequence. Amazon Prime Videoentitled The idea of ​​youfilm adaptation of the author’s novel of the same name Robynne Lee.

In this project Hathaway you will share a pantalla with an actor Nikolay Golitsynwho recently heard a song in the romantic genre thanks to his participation in Red, white and blue blood (Red White and Royal Blue – 2023), other successful productions Amazon Prime. This list of stars is complemented by a drawing Ella Rubin How Izzy, Reed Scott How Dan and other talented performers.

Taylor Zakhar Perez and Nicholas Galitzine in red, white and blue blood

The idea of ​​you if that centers it Sophie, a 40-year-old divorced mother who, after her planned trip to Coachella is canceled by her ex-husband, decides to step in to save the end of the week. It is in this context that Sophie Cruz walks with Hayes Campbell, 24 years old, the charismatic leader of the most famous musical group of our time. The film will explore a romance that arises at the end of the week, promising to completely change the lives of both characters.

The direction of this highly anticipated film is here Michael Showalterrecognized for his work The Great Disease of Love (Big sick – 2017). You do the adaptation Jennifer Westfeldtwho not only worked on writing the story, but will also serve as the film’s executive producer.

Fans of the romance genre should watch the official launch announcement. The idea of ​​you.

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