Anon – TV dispute on


Movie / The knowledge is fantasticNemchia

min | IMDB: 6.1 |

Clive Owen in Amanda Seyfried buy thriller in ZF, no privacy on the boat, anonymity in the unknown.

Zgodba films, if odviya in the nearest parishes, ker nor sesebnost, anonymity in the unknown. All humanity is reflected in such a way that it is soon discovered in crime. Politician Sal Freeland worked hard and defended his place against evildoers. All this happens when you know what you know under the pseudonym “Dekle”, if you identify yourself, as it happens when you write or record. Sal dojame, da to ni konec zločinov, temveč njihov začetek in da jo mora najti, preden postane naslednja žrtev.

Andrew Niccol


Clive Owen


Afia Bennett


Morgan Allen


Geoffrey Man


James Tam


Amanda Seyfried


Jonathan Potts


Rachel Roberts


Toyin Ishola


Sebastian Pigott

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