Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom petition to remove Amber Heard continues to gain signatures

More than a year after the lawsuit with Johnny Depp ended, a petition to remove Amber Heard from Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom is still gaining dozens of signatures every day.

Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom petition to remove Amber Heard continues to gain signatures

It sounds hard to believe, but it’s been over a year since Johnny Depp won a defamation lawsuit against his ex-wife. Amber Heard, Despite this, the petition to remove the American actress Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom Quietly continuing to collect many signatures.

The petition was created in 2019 in response to Depp’s dismissal from the role of Grindelwald in Fantastic Beasts 3 and has received a huge number of digital signatures over the years, surpassing 4 million signatories last month. Even today, many users continue to visit the page: it is clear that Jedi fans are displeased with what happened to the actor due to the claims spread by Hurd.

At the time of writing the total number of signatures on the petition is 4,630,241 and the target is to reach 6 million at the earliest. It is not clear how long it will take to reach such a large number, especially if the speed does not increase. However, it is clear that there are those who support Depp and feel it is unfair that although he won the case against his ex-wife, he still lost a significant role in his career.

According to what’s been revealed by the film studio so far, Amber Heard is expected to appear in Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom, though details on the DC sequel are still a mystery to the public. A rumor a few months back suggested that the character of Meera, the star, would have been significantly reduced, although these claims are yet to be confirmed by the studio.

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