Are spring allergies making you feel sick?We tell you how to know

(CNN) — Do you catch colds more easily than usual? Welcome to spring allergy season in the Northern Hemisphere. Even if you think you don’t have allergies, it’s worth taking a cold.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 1 in 4 adults and nearly 1 in 5 children suffer from seasonal allergies. Our allergies may last longer because allergy season starts earlier and lasts longer than before due to a variety of factors, including climate change.

And it’s getting worse: Pollen counts are expected to increase by 200% by the end of the century, according to a 2022 study published in the journal Nature Communications.

With all the changes that affect allergy season, it’s important to identify which symptoms are associated with seasonal allergies and how to know if you are allergic to pollen. Are there other substances that can cause seasonal allergies? Do some people react more strongly than others? How should allergies be treated? Since symptoms can be confused, what is the difference between allergies and viruses?

To answer these questions, I spoke with CNN health expert Dr. Leana Wen, who (like me) has allergies. Wen is an emergency physician and associate professor at George Washington University. She previously served as Baltimore’s health commissioner.

CNN: What are the symptoms of seasonal allergies?

Dr. Wen Lina: Seasonal allergies, also called allergic rhinitis or hay fever, occur when the immune system reacts to certain substances in the environment, such as plant pollen. Symptoms include a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, coughing, and itching of the nose, throat, eyes, and mouth.

CNN: How can I tell if my symptoms are caused by allergies or a virus?

arts: It’s not always easy to tell because allergy symptoms can resemble those of a cold.

Allergies often follow seasonal patterns and appear at certain times of the year.

Symptoms usually last at least a week. When seasonal allergies occur, people often experience similar symptoms. An itchy nose and throat and red, watery eyes are often more indicative of allergies than a cold.

Colds, on the other hand, usually last shorter. They are more common in the winter than in the fall or spring, where allergies typically peak.

Seasonal allergies do not cause fever. If you have a fever, it’s unlikely to be an allergy. Seasonal allergies also don’t usually cause a wet cough or body aches or fatigue.

CNN: Can these tests help differentiate between the two?

arts: There are tests that can help determine if you have a specific virus. For example, you can get a rapid test for Covid-19 at home, and your doctor’s office may recommend testing for influenza or respiratory syncytial virus (also known as RSV). Hospitalized patients may also receive more extensive viral testing, but these viral tests are generally not recommended for people with mild cold symptoms.

CNN: What about testing for specific allergens? For example, can you tell if someone is allergic to pollen?

arts: Yes. In fact, there are different types of pollen. The most common pollen that causes allergies comes from trees, grasses and weeds.

Your doctor may refer you to an allergy and immunology specialist to test you for these specific allergens. One form of testing is a skin prick test, in which a nurse or doctor puts a small drop of a possible allergen on your skin and then pricks or scratches the spot with a needle to see if it causes a reaction. Another method is to test for allergen antibodies through blood.

CNN: Are there other substances that can cause seasonal allergies?

arts: In addition to pollen, mold can trigger seasonal allergies in some people. Skin and blood tests can diagnose mold allergies.

CNN: It’s good that you mentioned mold because I’m allergic to mold. I also tested positive for dust and milk allergies.

arts: People who are allergic to dust are actually allergic to dust mites, tiny organisms that feed on indoor dust and moisture in the air. They are a very common indoor allergen that can trigger symptoms year-round. I also have this allergy, as well as seasonal allergies to pollen.

I’m glad you mentioned your milk allergy because we haven’t mentioned food allergies yet. These are not seasonal allergies because they are not related to environmental exposure and can occur year-round. Additionally, food allergies are common. According to the CDC, 6.2% of adults and 5.8% of children have food allergies.

Food allergies can range from mild to extremely severe and even life-threatening. There are also food intolerances, which are not true allergies but are colloquially classified as such. For example, up to 36% of Americans and 68% of the world’s population suffer from lactose malabsorption, which is characterized by a reduced ability to digest the lactose found in dairy products. Many people with lactose malabsorption experience symptoms such as stomach upset, bloating, and gas after drinking milk. However, these reactions are not immune reactions and must be distinguished from true milk allergy.

CNN: Do some people have stronger reactions to allergens than others?

arts: Yes, that’s right. Some people with seasonal allergies may experience very mild symptoms for a short period of time, while others may have symptoms that are severe enough to affect their daily lives. Additionally, people with asthma and eczema may have their symptoms exacerbated by seasonal allergies.

CNN: Can you tell us about the treatments available, both over-the-counter and prescription? What about non-drug treatments?

arts: There are several treatments that can help relieve seasonal allergy symptoms. The most common of these are antihistamines, which block histamine, a chemical released by the immune system that can cause symptoms such as itching; and nasal corticosteroids, which are sprays that can relieve congestion.

Some of these medications are available over-the-counter, while others are only available with a prescription. I recommend that patients consult their physician before starting any new medication. Prescription medications may be your best option.

For example, diphenhydramine (brand name Benadryl) is an over-the-counter antihistamine that can help relieve some allergy symptoms but can also cause drowsiness. Other antihistamines don’t cause as much drowsiness and may be a better choice. There are some over-the-counter nasal decongestants, such as pseudoephedrine, also called Sudafed, that may help relieve temporary nasal congestion, but they may interact with certain medications and should not be used long-term.

Some people may benefit from anti-allergy shots. These may be a good option for people who can’t control their symptoms with medications or allergy avoidance alone, and for people whose allergic reactions are particularly severe. Allergy and immunology specialists can advise on whether allergy vaccines are an appropriate treatment for each patient.

As for non-drug treatments, it is important to reduce exposure to allergens. If you’re dealing with seasonal allergies caused by pollen, keep an eye on pollen counts, keep windows closed, and spend less time outdoors during peak pollen seasons. If dust mites are the problem, remove clutter and dust-collecting items from your home at least once a week, and wash your sheets, pillowcases, and blankets. There are many resources on the Internet for reducing allergens in your home to help lessen the effects of seasonal allergies.

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