Are there risks for RBD’s Mexico tour? :RBD members worried about their health

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It’s been almost a month since the end, RBD’s extensive tour at riskas the health of two members worried their fans and raised suspicions that their tour might end earlier than agreed upon.

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During his recent stay in Brazil, Anahí and Dulce María face health challenges. Last Friday, November 17, Anahí developed back pain and fever during the concert, which prevented her from completing the performance.

After receiving medical care, the diagnosis determined that the 40-year-old celebrity suffered from a kidney infection, which is why she had to rest, making it impossible for her to participate in the game on Saturday 18th and return to the stadium stage on Sunday 19th. Allianz San Paolo Park Stadium.

As for sweet mariaPreviously, the famous artist had alerted her fans to the symptoms of a respiratory infection she was experiencing:

“Dear friends, as you know, I have not been feeling well since Monday. I have a fever, cough, back pain and now my voice is hoarse. I have been taking medicine since Tuesday. The doctor said it is a virus and I What started as a viral flu turned into bronchitis, which is why I have almost no voice,” he explained via social networks.

Now back in Mexico, he’s Mexico City Airport Who is still in poor health: “The truth is, more or less, I’m not fully recovered yet, but the truth is that Brazil has been waiting for us for many years and it’s a very important moment for us and the days I’m here. “Being sick, there’s no way Cancel it,” he said. Great.

Dulce Maria Concert

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Furthermore, he clarified that before his RBD lecture in Monterrey on Thursday the 23rd, he plans to take a break to improve his health so that he can continue the tour:

“Nothing, I mean I had an infection, first I had a virus, like a viral infection, and then it turned into bronchitis because I didn’t have a day off, in fact I still do, but we’re hoping now that Here “in our country we can rest, even for two days,” said the 37-year-old singer.

after this, Dulce María says she prefers to continue performing in Brazil because of her love for the countrydespite the fact that she was also told to stop performing for her own benefit:

“It’s that or it’s cancelled, although I feel bad too but I prefer to go out and protect all of us, the four of us go out and people think it’s unbelievable but obviously I don’t feel 100 per cent, but This is to safeguard the interests of the team. The doctor told me not to perform and to rest,” the red-head revealed.

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