Are you very hungry? Eat two almonds and chew well.

Obsession with stereotypical beauty and thinness continues, and more and more people feel uncomfortable in their bodies. The hashtag once again sparks media discussion on this issue. #almondmomor mama almonds, which concerns first of all tik tak thousands of people.

What is almond mother

The definition was born from an episode of the reality show The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, which aired in 2013, in which a model Gigi Hadid complains to her mother about the weakness caused by a strict diet. The mother’s answer leaves alarm: “eat a couple of almonds and chew them well“. The mother, Yolanda, also a model in the past, projected her anxiety onto her daughter in order to keep Gigi’s body slim. Accused online of setting a bad example, she attempted to defend herself by saying she was overwhelmed after the surgery, but it wasn’t enough to end the controversy.

AND it is wrong to assume that only models fall victim to inattentive power management parents. What emerges from the TikTok debate is actually one thing. extremely varied and cross-cutting cases the common denominator of which is an obsession with the perfection of children’s bodies. The fight against weight knows no geographical and age boundaries and, of course, is a sign of the times. Society accuses overweight people of being a burden on public health and irresponsible towards themselves, perpetuating a kind of stigma.

Parent figures are necessary to establish a healthy connection between the physical and psychological well-being of their children, and proper nutrition and sports should not create an imbalance. The phrase “if you’re hungry, eat two almonds and chew well” shows a disturbing lack of interest in the person.

Opinion of the President of the Order of Psychologists of Sardinia

We asked for the opinion of the president of the Order of Psychologists of Sardinia, Angela Maria Quakero.

“My first thought is related to the fact that there is an obviousmass identification of a parent with their own child: son or daughter No I perceived in their individuality, But quicker like self radiationto be modeled in your own image. Food it is not only nutrition for the body, but is also closely related to our psyche, because it has a strong emotional and symbolic value: By refusing or obsessively controlling food, a parent can very often cause an eating disorder that is difficult to get rid of: thus it turns out that food, instead of being associated with healthy affectivity, replaces it. There is something unaffective and deeply wrong in such behavior also because a lot of intima and everyday life also passes through the table. We don’t just think about breast milk, we also think about co-cooking food same as an important family moment to strengthen relations.

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