Argentina again free of bird flu

The ministry headed by Juan José Bahillo noted that the sanitary operation against the last highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreak in poultry has ended, with 18 outbreaks detected in commercial establishments registered in the country The last outbreak in China is also over.

Likewise, the National Agency for Sanitation and Quality of Agro-Food (Senasa) notified the World Organization for Animal Health (OMSA) that Argentina has returned to a bird flu-free country, as recommended by OIE. entity.

Bajiro stressed in a statement that “the interface with the production sector and with provincial and national institutions, promoted by Economy Minister Sergio Massa, has allowed Argentina to discover poultry farms almost six months after their first discovery. The epidemiological stability was restored afterward.”

Ximena Melón, Senasa’s national director of animal health, noted: “We have taken effective action to control the disease and provided assurances of epidemiological surveillance, which shows that the disease is absent in the national poultry sector.”

“We continue to work on zoning tools with the aim of keeping international trade uninterrupted in the event poultry may regrow,” Mellon added in a statement. “Poultry Farm Inspection.”

In terms of international trade, with the support of representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship and the Ministry of Agriculture, Senasa has conducted health negotiations with more than 30 export destinations through information exchange and bilateral meetings, including a visit to the Chinese health department,” Senasa said.

Senasa resolution 147 ordered the declaration of a national health emergency on 15 February this year, and the agency clarified that “the declaration remains in force through the implementation of epidemiological surveillance and prevention tasks throughout the country”.

Melón concludes: “It is important to consider that the HPAI emergency continues in our country and that the disease is transmitted through migratory birds, which is why national poultry farming remains a health challenge.”

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