As of September, 80% of inquiries in Cabo San Lucas are for nasopharyngitis or COVID-19

In Cabo San Lucas, 10,000 medical consultations were received between January and September; 80% were due to nasopharyngitis or Covid-19.They urge citizens to get vaccinated

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Los Cabos, Baja California Sur (BCS). In Cabo San Lucas from January to September, Received 10,000 medical consultations, 80% of which were for nasopharyngitis or Covid-19, This was reported by Health Coordinator Soledad García Montoya. He commented that patients would be given appropriate treatment according to their condition and urged citizens to adhere to the vaccination schedule.

Likewise, city officials stated that the National Water Commission (Conagua) has informed that during the current winter season (2023), which begins in September, 56 cold fronts are expected, In Mexico, this can lead to different respiratory illnesses.

On the other hand, he noted that those suffering from these diseases are receiving treatment Appropriate medications include paracetamol, oral serum, and antihistamines such as chlorpheniramine or loratadine. If the disease is bacterial, antibiotics are given and followed up accordingly. If a patient develops any alarm symptoms, the GP will refer the patient to a secondary specialist.

“For bacterial diseases, antibiotics are given with appropriate follow-up to assess whether they are evolving appropriately (…) Once the GP detects any type of alarm, They tell the patient that they must go to a secondary specialist so that appropriate measures can be taken,” explained García Montoya.

Likewise, he advised citizens to visit different health centers to get vaccinated against influenza and complete the vaccination program against Covid-19. In addition, he also mentioned, It is very important for people to consume vitamin C, which can be achieved by eating oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, As well as drinking lots of fluids.

He commented that anyone with the slightest respiratory symptoms, flu or even the slightest cough should go to a medical facility, Avoid complications such as bronchitis or pneumonia, especially for children, pregnant women, Older adults or people with asthma, as they are more likely to get these types of illnesses

Finally, the health coordinator urges Patients diagnosed with diabetes or high blood pressure should also seek medical services promptly. Because, due to their immune status, they have lower defenses and are at risk of complications at all times.

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