As summer approaches, Viedma’s concerns

The municipality of Viedma confirms that the last south-easterly storm at the beach of La Loberia facilitated the removal of carcasses due to cases of avian influenza in sea lionsall over the place, and are getting closer to being able to lift the ban.

However, over the weekend, dead specimens appeared in different areas of El Condor and on beaches near La Loberia, raising an uncertain outlook for the upcoming summer.

PAR Viedma Councilor Vanessa Cacho Devincenzi asks Mayor Pedro Pesatti to submit a report Learn about “Health conditions at Ejido Beach on the Atlantic coast, considering the impact of sea lion mortality due to avian influenza viruses.”

The initiative is supported by Councilors Zulma Romero (November 17 block) and Roberta Scavo (CC/ARI).

Rising temperatures in recent days have marked the start of summer and a lack of predictability for tourists wanting to travel to the region has raised concerns. «It is necessary to understand the preventive and biosecurity measures taken for this situation. “This has affected our coast since last August, particularly the area around the Punta Bermeja protected area,” the report request states.

La Lobería has been closed since an outbreak of bird flu in Rio Negro. Photo: Juan Macri.

They noted that “among other measures, it is necessary to understand the disposal plan for dead animals and “Communications and awareness campaigns highlighting expert advice on this topic.”

Cacho de Vincenzi also noted that his goal is to “understand the decisions being taken by the crisis committee.” part of the municipality and can, where possible, make contributions to increase the effectiveness of these measures.

Apart from, The idea is to “give peace of mind to residents and those planning to visit or travel along the coast”. “Widmens in summer.”

This morning, El Cóndor representative Marco Magnanelli mentioned the situation at Viedma Beach “The landscape has changed dramatically compared to 20 days ago and now we see more favorable prospects for achieving the Ministry of Environment’s goal of restoring the beaches to their condition before the season,” he said. ”

Regarding the appearance of the dead wolf in “El Cóndor”, “In recent days, the remains of approximately 25 animals that were dragged away by the waves have appeared in El Condor, but they have been removed,” he assured.

He added: “Currently we are about to conduct test exercises using different methods to remove carcasses, These exercises will be performed in a fourtrax equipped with lingam and rope “This will help move the animals and bring their bodies closer to the tideline.”

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