ASAPME has served 120 minors this year through psychotherapy programs

this ASAPME Association Already in service this year 120 minors received psychological treatment and has reached more than Thanks to its activities in the Education Center, it attracts 1,000 students.

inside world mental health daythe entity has proposed its New child and youth care center a team from zaragoza Six psychology and social work professionals will attend children Have mental health issues and their family. from the center, thanks new technologywill also reach People from rural areas. The Carrefour Foundation donated approximately 28,000 euros for the equipment of the new ASAPME centre.

he The rise in these mental health disordersthe most serious consequences of which may lead to Having suicidal thoughts or self-harm,force Increase care resources and improve early detectionto prevent problems from worsening in adulthood, as ASAPME Manager Ana López.

medium-term residence

he Jose Luis Bancalero, Minister of Health, Government of AragonDuring a visit to the ASAPME Center, he recalled that since 2020, worrying trends have been observed: Every year, cases of mental health problems double compared to before among young people.

Regional executive continues efforts to create a medium-term residence this improved Care for the most severe cases and avoid transferring children and adolescents to other territories. Bancalero estimates that the center Possibly 25 to 30 beds Aragon’s goal was self-sufficiency, but Where it will be built remains to be determined.

The consultant has guaranteed Coordination with other departments – as social welfare and education – blow serious problem Mental health too Material and human resources will increase.

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