Ask your doctor: Lifestyle changes may help treat gastritis | Treatments & Diseases

Dear doctors: Can you talk about gastritis? What is it and why do people get gastritis? I think I have it, but I don’t understand how it happens. Also, should I be on a special diet during recovery? What about probiotics?

Dear Reader: Gastritis is a disease that occurs when something causes the specialized cell lining in the stomach to become irritated, swollen, or inflamed. This part of the stomach wall is called the mucosa and is home to glands that secrete enzymes and acids that aid in digestion. The mucous membrane also has a variety of defense mechanisms that protect it from the corrosive effects of the digestive juices it releases, as well as infectious agents such as bacteria and viruses. But if these defenses weaken or begin to fail, the stomach lining can become damaged.

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