Attention of hospital guards in capital over weekend

Over the weekend, the System for Emergency and Disaster Medical Assistance (SAMEC) provided 229 on-site services for a variety of reasons, including:

· 41 due to traffic accidents

· 13 Epilepsy patients

· 10 times for patients with dyspnea

· 9 Patients with decompensated diabetes

· 37 people injured and assaulted

· 29 due to domestic violence

· 5 people suffered stab wounds

In addition, between 7 a.m. on Saturday the 9th and 7 a.m. on Monday the 11th, 530 telephone services and 524 assistance services were provided at various places and events where people gathered.

mother and baby

The Maternity and Children’s Hospital reported the following news from 8 pm on Friday the 8th to 8 am on Monday the 11th:

The adult ward admitted 231 patients, 39 of whom were hospitalized. There were 72 obstetric visits, 108 gynecological visits, and 33 medical outpatient visits.

A total of 714 patients were admitted to the pediatric ward, 55 of whom were hospitalized. Among the emergency causes, 240 were due to respiratory diseases, 76 were due to various injuries, 135 were due to gastroenteritis and 5 were due to dog bites.

There were 19 live births: 16 males and 3 females.

saint bernard dog

At San Bernardo Hospital, from 8:00 on Friday 25th to 8:00 on Monday 28th, a total of 868 consultations were received.

Of those receiving treatment, 171 were hospitalized.

A total of 139 people were injured, 76 of whom were injured in traffic accidents:

· 40 motorcyclists

· 31 passers-by

· 2 drivers

· 3 cyclists

In addition, 47 patients were referred from other medical centers on standby assistance.

Lord of Miracles

On Saturday and Sunday, Señor del Milagro Hospital’s emergency wards received 248 patients over the age of 15 in each ward. Medical claims are for cases of pharyngitis, bronchitis and gastroenteritis.

pope francisco

A total of 265 patients were treated at the Papa Francisco Hospital over the weekend: 266 patients were injured due to various emergencies, 5 patients were injured and 4 patients were transferred from another medical center.

Arturo Onativia

Arturo Oñativia Hospital received 28 emergency calls on Saturday and Sunday, mainly due to: diabetic decompensation, diabetic ketoacidosis, urinary tract infections and hypertensive crisis.

Miguel Lagun

From 8pm on Friday to 8am on Monday, the guard received and treated 16 patients, including two who were transferred by police and one who was referred from another hospital.

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