Avian influenza cases confirmed in South Carolina, 8 people released after contact with birds monitored | Santa Catarina

Bird trinta-ráis-de-bando — Photo: Antônio Vilela/Wikiaves

A case of avian influenza infection in wild birds has been recorded in Barra Velha on the north coast of Santa Catarina state. People who were exposed as passengers were monitored for 10 days and then released because none of them showed any symptoms.

After a series of analyses, the Epidemiological Surveillance Department of the City of Bara Verja released the confirmed information on the cases of avian influenza. Residents near Itajuba spotted the wild bird in the afternoon.

The animal is a tripartite species. The bird needs to be sacrificed. To strengthen care in the city, community health workers in Barra Velha received training from the Integrated Agricultural Development Corporation of Santa Catarina State (Cidasc).

When you see a wild bird or a dead bird or a bird that looks alive, its direction is Do not touch animals and report cases to epidemiological surveillance authorities Be a city government.

Following Cidasc, 16 bird flu outbreaks have been confirmed in the state this year: 15 in wildlife and one in birds at Quintal Farm.

Regarding commercial birds, Santa Catarina is considered a highly pathogenic avian influenza-free region and is in good health, suitable for foreign sales.

Cidasc recommends immediate notification of birds of any species observed showing clinical signs of avian influenza, taking into account:

  • Respiratory and neurological symptoms, such as difficulty breathing;
  • Unsteady walking;
  • to twist or turn on its own;
  • Mortality is high and sudden.

Cidasc also noted that “dead wild birds or clinically dead birds should not be manipulated” and that “there is no evidence that the consumption of poultry meat or eggs poses a risk to human health.”

H5N1 is a subtype of influenza virus that primarily affects birds. It is less common in mammals and humans.

Avian influenza was first diagnosed in birds in Italy in 1878. But it wasn’t until more than 100 years later, in 1996, that scientists isolated the H5N1 virus from geese in Guangdong Province (not southern China).

Influenza viruses are divided into low pathogenicity (LPAI, mild) and highly pathogenic (HPAI, severe):

Low pathogenicity: It affects birds more obviously and many times is asymptomatic. In this case, bird mortality is low;

High pathogenicity: The disease is severe, spreads rapidly among birds, and has a high mortality rate among animals.

Video: Additional assistance from g1 SC over the past 7 days

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