Avila to provide nearly 59,000 doses of flu vaccine

The vaccination campaign against influenza and covid-19 begins today in the residential area of ​​Avila (starting with the elderly in the capital’s Junta and Infant Centers), in anticipation of the October 10 vaccination campaign. The population within the recommended population. This will then take place in medical centers and mutual aid societies.

For those accommodated in residences, their vaccination will be carried out by health professionals from each health district of Castile and León, who will visit these institutions to receive both vaccines. Their presence will be used to vaccinate the professionals working there.

Health and social hygiene staff will be able to receive both vaccines in the workplace by referring to occupational health services.

Avila has distributed 58,815 doses of the influenza vaccine in the region, while as for the coronavirus, Castilla and León are expected to receive just over 400,000 doses from the Ministry of Health by the last week of October, with deliveries ongoing Ongoing weekly. According to the latest released figures, nearly 26,000 doses of vaccine have arrived at territorial health services.

In the case of the flu, the campaign targets people who are at higher risk of complications from the flu, as well as those who may be at higher risk of transmitting the flu to other complications. The aim of vaccination against covid-19 is to enhance the protection of the most vulnerable groups and health and social care personnel, in order to reduce morbidity and mortality and the impact of the disease on health care capacity.

suggestion. Influenza and Covid-19 vaccinations are generally recommended for people aged 60 or over, people aged 5 or over in disability centers or nursing homes, and other people and residents in long-term closed institutions. It is also recommended for pregnant women in any trimester of pregnancy and women who have not been vaccinated within six months of giving birth, as well as people who live with someone who is highly immunosuppressed. There are also people from health and social care centers and people working in essential public services.

For people under 60 years of age, vaccination is recommended when a range of risk factors are present, including diabetes, morbid obesity, chronic cardiovascular, neurological or respiratory disease, chronic kidney disease, celiac disease or Down syndrome.

As a novelty, influenza vaccination is recommended for children aged 6 to 59 months. Furthermore, in this particular vaccine, it is recommended for workers in education centres, people aged 5 to 59 years who are at higher risk of complications, students working in internships in health and social care centres, and people working on farms.

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