Baeza: Federal monopoly on vaccinations

Chihuahua.- In view of the problems faced by the state due to lack of BCG, Triple Bacterial Hepatitis BY (DPT) and other vaccines, Health Secretary Gilberto Baeza accused the federal government of maintaining a monopoly that prevents the state from acquiring biologics and conducting vaccination vaccination campaign. Vaccination, this is because the provider does not have enough doses or the cost does not allow for purchase.

He said if the problem persists, newborns could develop illnesses that could lead to serious health problems, which is why he’s urging the federal government to make a vaccine available as soon as possible.

He added that the state had been looking for a way to launch a vaccination campaign using its own resources, but that was not possible because providers did not have enough vaccine or prices were restricted by the federal government, which prevented providers from bear.

The BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guérin and Bacillus guelini) vaccine helps prevent severe forms of TB, such as meningitis or osteomyelitis. After application, a small bump (nodule) usually forms on the skin and leaves a scar at the site of application.

The DPT, or triple bacterial vaccine, contains diphtheria (for diphtheria) and tetanus (for tetanus) toxoids, as well as protein fragments of Bordetella pertussis, the bacterium that causes whooping cough, and the hepatitis B vaccine helps prevent the disease.

Health authorities recommend the use of these biologics within the first five years of life as this will help boost their immune status and prevent the development of other diseases.

To date, the Chihuahua State Secretariat of Health has the following vaccines for the protection of children under 5 years of age: hexavalent, pneumococcal, rotavirus and SRP.

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