Balearic Islands starts vaccinating 39,300 children against influenza and 2,200 against covid-19

This Friday, the children’s vaccination campaign starts in health centers in the Balearic Islands, with a target group of 39,344 children who can receive the influenza vaccine, 2,226 of whom can also receive the combined influenza vaccine. covid-19.

The Ministry of Health recalled in a statement that this year, for the first time, influenza prevention includes universal vaccination of children aged 6 to 59 months.

Children between 6 and 23 months of age and children over 5 years of age who are not in risk groups will receive a single intramuscular injection. If they are in a high-risk group, they will receive two doses of the vaccine, four weeks apart.

Children 24 to 59 months of age will receive a single intranasal dose.

For covid-19 vaccination, children aged 6 months to 4 years will be vaccinated at the hospital and children above 5 years will be vaccinated at their health centres. It must be taken into account that 3 months must have passed since the last vaccination or since the last infection.

By island, up to 30,979 children can be vaccinated against influenza in Mallorca (1,812 children with combined vaccine); 2,899 in Menorca (69 in total), Ibiza and Formentera There are 5,381 (of which 345 can be totaled).

The main goal of the campaign is to achieve high coverage with both vaccines across all risk groups.

On the day the adult vaccination campaign was launched in health centers in the Balearic Islands, MP Manuela Gómez explained that children are “the main host in the family, although they are barely noticed”.

The MP warned, “Influenza and Covid-19 are not serious colds, they are viruses that cause respiratory problems, much depends on the comorbidities of the person infected, but they are two viruses that can cause pneumonia. And Infectious processes such as sinusitis and otitis media due to reinfection after an infectious process.”

“Vaccines are the best weapon we have right now to protect ourselves from all of this,” he argued.

The health service has vaccinated the entire population of Mallorca with 119,350 doses, Menorca with 11,240 doses and Ibiza and Formentera with 18,290 doses. The campaign started on October 23 to vaccinate people over 60 years of age, those with risk factors and health professionals.

You can make an appointment by calling Infosalut Conecta (971 22 00 22).


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