Barbie movie banned in Vietnam because of a map

movie barbie Will not release in Vietnam.

The Southeast Asian country has decided to ban a film dedicated to the iconic metal doll (featuring the cast). margot robbie will have roles barbie while Ryan Gosling Kane’s) due to a very short scene where a map shows territory claimed unilaterally by China and located in the South China Sea. geopolitical issues.

a film by barbie will be released in Italian cinemas on 20 July 2023, Vietnam was to arrive the next day. Instead, fans of the Dolls won’t have the opportunity to admire the new film. Greta Gerving, according to local media reports movie No longer distributed due to the presence of a map that uses a “nine-dash” line forming the letter U, a controversial map to represent certain areas in the South China Sea that China claims as its own while Vietnam opposes it. China and Vietnam have long been in a standoff over the region, while Taiwan, the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia and Vietnam claim the maritime portion.

This is not the first time that the Vietnamese government has decided to block the release of a film due to its inclusion of the famous “nine-dash line”. last year it happened with the action movie unresolved with Tom Holland, while the same fate befell the animated film in 2019 the abominable (little yeti),

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