Batman: Ben Affleck’s film will be built on the myths of 80 years ago

Batman DC

Storyboard artist Jay Olive revealed some details about Canceled solo Batman movie that was supposed to feature Ben Affleck participated both as a performer and as a director. According to what has come to light, the film may have been a condensation of an 80-year-old myth about the character before the project was scrapped by Affleck himself after he stepped down as star and director.

What did Jay Oliva say about Ben Affleck’s Batman movie?

To talk to ensure regressionOliva stated that the film Batman From Ben Affleck would “built on plots from the Batman mythos over the past 80 years“even if he has a new perspective. I understand there were a couple of draftsOlivia said. “When I was hired, I don’t know if it was the second project or something, but it was what Geoff Johns and I showed. Fine (Affleck)… Ben’s story was supposed to cover something that was never covered in comics, but he’s been building Batman mythos storylines over the past 80 years and approaching it from a new perspective..

Ben Affleck got the role of Batman in 2013, starring in various films DC Extended Universeamong which Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, Suicide Squad AND Justice League. Most recently, he last appeared as Batman V Flashwhich the actor called the best thing he has ever done as a character.

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