Batman part 2, who will be the main villain of the sequel with Robert Pattinson?

Given the success and recognition it has received since the first episode aired in 2022, Batman: Part Two certainly one of the most anticipated games of the coming years, but at the moment little information is known about the continuation of the saga of Matt Reeves starring Robert Pattison.

One of the questions fans ask themselves the most is: Who will be the main villain in The Batman: Part 2? Unfortunately, at the moment there is no definite news, but as usual, there is no shortage of speculation and rumors: after confirming that Catwoman and the Joker will return in Batman 2, it is again interpreted Zoe Kravitz and Barry Keoghanalong with the Penguin and the Riddler from the beloved and famous Colin Farrell and Paul Danothere’s no official news regarding any new members to the cast, but rumors over the past few weeks have been talking about a possible debut of Clayface in Batman 2, a rumor that, if confirmed, will be on the horizon. the emergence of superpowers in the narrative universe of Matt Reeves and Robert Pattinson.

Also, well-known insider Jeff Snyder revealed last June that Two-Face would also appear in Batman 2, or at least his “good” alter ego Harvey DentAfter all, after the events of Matt Reeves’ Batman, Gotham City will need a new District Attorney, a role that has always been associated in mythology with a superhero a lawyer destined to become a horribly mutilated criminal.

In short, a lot of irons on fire based on the October 3, 2025 issue. Since the start of filming has not yet been determined, we look forward to future updates.

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