Bay of Cadiz, one of the sites selected for EFSA avian influenza surveillance subsidy

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has launched a European Food Assessment Project funding scheme. food risks and another Active Avian Influenza Surveillance Highly pathogenic among wild birds in Europe.

It is worth remembering that the European Food Safety Authority is a devolved agency of the European Union (EU) with a scientific mandate covering food and feed safety, nutrition, animal health and welfare, plant protection, plant health and possible effects of the food chain on biodiversity. Impact. Plant and animal habitat.

The organization regularly awards Provide subsidies for projects that help fulfill its mission Includes data collection, preparation of scientific opinions, and provision of other types of scientific and technical support. In this sense, EFSA recalls: “Only competent organizations designated by Member States may participate in the conference call.“.

Avian Influenza Surveillance Plan

The call for applications to improve Europe’s capacity for active surveillance of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in wild birds is open until 5pm. February 21the date on which proposals will no longer be received.

this main target The aim of the program is to establish a network of surveillance nodes across Europe; to establish long-term capabilities and partnerships to actively monitor highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses in wild birds; to supplement existing (i.e. detection of dead, injured or sick birds) wild birds; trapped or hunted wild birds with or without clinical symptoms; sentinel wild birds) or planned surveillance activities; provide access to rapid detection and identification of avian influenza viruses; access to avian influenza epidemics in Europe More complete information about the virus, thereby increasing the gene pool available for further analysis.

This conference call covers the following topics: Gulf of Finland, Southern Baltic Sea, Western Black Sea, Eastern Black Sea, Wadden Sea region, Lake Constance region, Veneto region, Camargue region and Bay of Cadiz.

The overall budget for the program is two millionalthough financial limits for each tranche will be set at the end of the proposal evaluation phase.

Any organization located in the country can participate in the program. List of designated responsible organizations by Member States in accordance with Article 36 of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 2230/2004.

You can find the basics of the program at this link. Likewise, applicants with any questions may send them to before February 13.

food security plan

The selection of EFSA European Fellowships for Food Risk Assessment (EU-FORA) scholarships and host organizations is open until 5pm. March 14 From 2024 and specifically for organizations that cooperate with EFSA in accordance with Article 36 of Regulation (EC) 178/2002.

The purpose of this call is to select Two organizations from two different member statesincluding Iceland and Norway, hosted 12-month training for one or more interns.The goal is to increase the quantity Food safety risk assessment expert and encourage member states to participate in risk assessment efforts, all with the ultimate aim of creating a common EU risk assessment culture.

To this end, as in the previous edition 2023-2024, There must be two organizations in the allianceone of whom is the person proposing the scholarship recipients and the other is the host entity, leading the consortium and proposing the training program – which will be conducted primarily remotely and hosted by Plan to stay for at least 3 months in the host entity.

In this sense, “the accommodation should have strong capabilities and extensive experience in one or more activities related to food safety risk assessment,” they explained by phone.

The total amount provided by EFSA for this program is €850,000, based on subsidies from: €55,000 per scholarship.The €55,000 will be used to Costs for both organizations involved arising from participation in the scheme (taking into account that EFSA does not stipulate how it is allocated between the two entities, but the decision is entirely at the discretion of the Union).

For their part, Fellows will remain staff members of their host organization and will not receive any direct financial contributions from the host organization.

You can find the basics of the program at this link. Likewise, applicants with any questions may send them to before March 6.

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