‘Don’t think Mike cares’: Emotional plea to Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen sunk by reality check from former NBA champion

The names of Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen will forever be etched in the annals of basketball history together. Their dominant performance against the Chicago Bulls in the ’90s is something we may never see again. However, the dynamic duo are now on bad terms with no signs of reconciliation.

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Despite Stephen Jackson’s recent emotional pleas to MJ and Pippen, too much has happened for it to be over in an instant.

Beyond that, Matt Barnes doesn’t think Jordan is willing to repair his relationship with his former teammate. Jackson said, “I hope Scottie and Jordan can work it out. I think it’s important for them to respect each other and connect over what they do for the game. You can’t think of Mike without Scottie. “You can’t think of Scotty without Mike”. The NBA veteran believes a good relationship between the two men is the best thing for the sport and its legacy. “We don’t know it all, but we know where it should be. The brotherhood, it should be Mike and Pip’s. Hopefully they can come back and repair their relationship because I think the world wants to see that.” I’ve added it.


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Barnes was quick to remind Jackson that Jordan probably didn’t care about repairing their relationship. He said, “I agree, but I think the coldest part is Jack, which I really don’t think Mike would hate.”

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A brief timeline of Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen’s feud

The feud between the two legends was largely one-sided, with Pippen taking most of the shots. However, his frustration stems from his belief that he has been misrepresented. last dance. While that wasn’t the source of their feud, things escalated from there. There was a time when MJ said that without Pippen, he would not have been able to win 6 championships with the Bulls. After that, we see Pippen call Jordan selfish and a “terrible player.”

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The Bulls legend also attacked Jordan in his memoir last dance Ignore. He said, “They glorified Michael Jordan but did not give enough credit to me and my proud teammates. Michael should bear a large portion of the blame. The producers gave him editorial control over the final product.” It doesn’t help that Jordan’s son is dating Pippen’s ex-wife. Is it too late for them to repair their relationship? Maybe, maybe not. But it can only depend on the efforts of the two of them.

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