Be careful with dry cough!Know the warning signs of pneumonia

A dry cough is a common condition that can be caused by a variety of causes, from allergies to mild viral infections. However, in some cases, a persistent cough can be a warning sign of a more serious illness, such as pneumonia.

The disease is an inflammation of the lungs that can be caused by different types of microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Recognizing the early warning signs of pneumonia is critical to seeking appropriate treatment in a timely manner.

For this purpose, NEW EPS consulted Dr. Yuli Torres, a physician and epidemiologist at the University of Rosario and an internist and pulmonologist at the University of Javeriana, who addressed some concerns about dry cough.

What is a dry cough?

According to Dr. Torres, coughing in any of its manifestations is the body’s defense mechanism against potential damage occurring within the respiratory tract.

“When trying to expel saliva or a foreign object, the first mechanism is the cough response. But not all coughs produce mucus and secretions.”

Experts stress that expectoration usually occurs when the cough is related to an infection or a chronic process, such as chronic bronchitis (in which the most distal and small bronchi become inflamed and produce more mucus),

What disease causes dry cough?

Dr. Torres noted that “a cough is not necessarily caused by a single disease, as it may be a symptom of a pathology that may affect the entire airway.”

“Diseases such as chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, and gastroesophageal reflux can themselves produce secretions from the upper respiratory tract, nasopharynx, and oropharynx, as they also produce secretions that can enter the main respiratory tract.”

Torres said people with neurological diseases, especially older adults, lose this defense mechanism so certain substances can enter the respiratory tract, but coughing is usually a protective mechanism.

Why does the cough persist?

Device name: “Some viruses, although associated with the development of cough in acute infections, may require a long time for regeneration of the respiratory epithelium to be completely eliminated. The viral process without any other type of complications may last approximately 21 days, which is the case with infections (e.g. influenza) normal cycle.”

Likewise, experts explain, “The duration of a cough varies from person to person, and for people with pathological conditions such as chronic lung disease, the duration of the cough may be longer and require more time to recover.”

When should I worry?

Device name: “When a cough attack occurs in an uncontrollable manner, that is, it does not stop and is associated with coughing up blood or causing vomiting, especially in children, this is a type of dry cough that should be a cause for concern. This cough is called a ‘poppy cough’ .”

However, for adults, when “a cough interrupts sleep patterns, or the coughing up of blood is a warning sign, weight loss, night sweats, coughing, and other symptoms may occur in addition to the cough.” Lymph nodes in the neck or armpit. “

When do you need to see a doctor?

Device name: “We must pay attention to these symptoms to avoid serious complications that may lead to pneumonia, so when a cough harms the patient’s health and symptoms such as fever, weight loss, cough, etc. appear, it is necessary to see a doctor.” Blood, disrupted sleep Pattern, wheezing, dyspnea, chest tightness. “It also mentioned other types of gastrointestinal symptoms, diarrhea and dehydration.”

Finally, it is important to remember that self-medication must be avoided, as we may be hiding an important, more chronic disease that requires permanent treatment and delays the diagnostic process. In addition to solving the problem at home, it is best to consult a doctor if the symptoms are chronic or recurring, and most importantly, avoid using antibiotics without a doctor’s prescription as there is a risk of inducing bacterial resistance in viral infections .

If you experience this or any related symptoms, seek medical attention immediately for proper diagnosis and treatment. Early detection can improve recovery and prevent serious complications. Take care of your lung health and don’t underestimate your body’s signs.

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