Be wary of counterfeit hepatitis vaccines

The Federal Council for Protection against Health Risks (Cofepris) has issued a health alert regarding falsification of the recombinant hepatitis B vaccine Provibac-B.

The counterfeit product tested as a 200 microgram (20 ml) injectable suspension and did not have a health clearance.

Health authorities alert health professionals and the public to the falsification of this Probiomed biological product.

“The batch number on the secondary packaging or outer packaging of the counterfeit product is 2526211014-1, and the batch number on the vial label is 2566220/410-2. In addition, the expiration date on the secondary packaging is October 6, 2023, and the batch number on the label is 2526211014-1. The validity period is “November 2023,” the organization said in a statement.

He pointed out that products with the above characteristics “pose a risk to the health of the population because the conditions of manufacture, processing and storage are unknown and therefore their safety, quality and effectiveness cannot be guaranteed”.

Therefore, Cofepris recommends always verifying that the batch number and expiration date on any product packaging match.

He stressed that if the goods have the characteristics indicated, they should not be purchased and if you have information about possible commercialization, you can make a corresponding request online at or by calling 800 033 5050.

People with hepatitis B usually don’t have any symptoms. Adults and children over five years old are more likely to develop the disease than younger children. Some people with acute hepatitis B develop symptoms two to five months after infection.

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