Bella Thorne, a sex positivity icon with a thousand beautiful looks

Actress Famous in love turns 26. She deserves praise for never hiding and becoming, despite her rainbow beauty, an icon for the LGBTQI+ community.

Handsome in name and spirit, but above all an LGBTQI+ rights activist and icon sex positive: actress Bella Thorne Today marks 26 years. And how far has he come since his 2010 debut on the Disney Channel sitcom? At full speed! In Italy he is also known for his love story, which ended last year, with a musician. Benjamin Mascolo.

And Benji recently spoke on a podcast about the end of their relationship. Again From Luca Casadei: “She is bisexual, she likes not only men.. It so happened that we had sexual relations with other girls.” Even if Bella, under different circumstances, he preferred to call himself pansexual How Miley Cyrus AND Dear Delevingne. “I like what I like, and I don’t care about the genre,” the actress explained Good morning America.

“Shots to the Head” by Bella Thorne.

Shortcuts aside, to the star Famous in love However, he deserves credit for cleaning up sexual freedom a little more, at least in our country. And she did it stylishly, with her unforgettable beauty. After all, we realized that she is definitely not the woman who is afraid to experiment.

Bella Thorne (photo: Getty)

Her iconic red hair has seen a variety of colors in recent years: blue, rainbow, fuchsia, neon orange and icy blonde. While this is the most iconic hair color, it’s probably the one we had in November 2016: degradation effect: transition from fiery red to acid green. Choice punk rock definitely unexpected!

Password: experiment

Even when it comes to makeup, Bella Thorne has never held back. Until the launch of the Thorne by Bella cosmetics line in 2108.

Bella Thorne (photo: Getty)

Her strong point has always been lush and plump lips, which she emphasizes with fiery red, as well as black and pink lipstick.

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And she certainly doesn’t care about looking over the top, considering she also loves rainbow and glittery eye makeup. gemstones for face and lines bold eyeliner.

Discover all of her best beauty looks in the gallery above.


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