Billionaire Bernard Arnault sees Naples and has to leave his vacation: his yacht is too big

Naples tries to crack down on luxury tourism. In recent days, the Harbor Master’s Office of the Campania capital has refused permission to dock at Bernard Arnault’s super yacht Symphony. The French billionaire was these days in the Bay of Naples and on Friday he asked to be able to dock in Mergellina, the only port of reference for large yachts. However, from this year, the harbor master’s office has introduced a new regulation on safety standards, which provides for a ban on boats longer than 75 meters from entering the harbour. These include the yacht of Arnault, the patron of LVMH, the multinational company that owns some of the main luxury and fashion companies: Dior, Bulgari, Fendi, Louis Vuitton, Tiffany, Moët and Chandon. Your ship is not the only one that has been forced to leave Naples and head for other routes. That’s what happened recently to Barry Diller, CEO of the media company that owns Expedia and TripAdvisor.

Commenting on the consequences of the rule discouraging luxury tourism, Massimo Luis, one of the administrators of the Margelina pier, “There are rules and we respect them, but in this case one cannot fail to notice that the consequences of this provision are quite significant”, he explained. southern courier, «The beginning of this year – says Lewis – the impossibility to welcome a range of highly prestigious yachts will result in the loss of important figures of our sector in economic terms: from 50 to 100 thousand euros per day only for the relevant industries. Tens and millions in one season». According to Mergellina’s administrator, boats that cannot stop in Naples end up going to Spain, France or Malta. The new regulation risks reducing the number of VIPs who crowd the streets of Naples every summer. In recent years, celebrities such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Johnny Depp, Jeff Bezos and Jennifer Lopez have opted to spend a few days in the streets of the Campania capital.

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