Bird flu affecting sea lions spreads along entire Atlantic coast

Worry Generated in Viedma The presence of many dead animals and a large number of other animals showing symptoms consistent with avian influenza It runs along the Atlantic coast of our country.

In the Punta Bermeja Reserve, professionals from Senasa and the province’s Ministry of Environment and Climate Change They collected samples and sent them to a state agency’s lab for confirmation, although there was no doubt that this was the focus of an avian flu that primarily affected sea lions There are also other animals such as seagulls and penguins.

Beginning today, an expert from Conservation International will join the fieldwork as he seeks to determine The origin of the virus, and how it may have mutated since it first emerged in Chile and Peru on the Pacific coast.

In addition to the cases occurring in this area, one case has been confirmed since last week, and the remaining cases have not been analyzed accordingly; Senasa has confirmed outbreaks in Mar del Plata, Necochea, Puerto Piramides (Chubut), Rio Grande (Tierra del Fuego) and Punta Loyola (Santa Cruz).

What to Do Before a Dead Animal Appears

* Restrictions on access to the beach: It is strongly requested not to enter the affected beach area. Avoiding touching these areas can help significantly reduce the risk of contagion.

* Pet Control: Recall of ban on bringing pets to beaches. Exposure of livestock to the virus is very dangerous and facilitates its spread.

* Distance from sea lions and dead birds: If you see sea lions or spot dead birds, it is recommended to keep a safe distance and avoid direct contact. This minimizes the chance of the virus spreading.

* Avoid contaminating the surface: It is advised not to touch surfaces that may be contaminated with saliva, mucous membranes, or bird droppings, whether wild or free-ranging.

* Sick or Dead Bird Reports: If you come across sick or dead wild and domestic birds, contact Senasa authorities immediately through the nearest local office, send a notification using the SENASA notification app for Android devices Email or call 11 5700 5704 or by filling out the online form.

for the authorities “At this moment, the cooperation and responsibility of all is essential to control the spread and safeguard the health of the people” “All sectors of society are requested to stay informed about the situation through official channels and follow the instructions of the intervening agency authorities.”

Senasa personnel in Puerto Mar del Plata. Photo: Courtesy.

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