Bird flu alert: Uruguay confirms first sea lion case


Uruguayan authorities confirmed First case of bird flu in a sea lion and alert for other suspected cases along the country’s coast.

Uruguay detects first case of bird flu

Neighboring Uruguay reports first case of sea lion and bird flu People are urged to avoid approaching these animals, whether they are alive or dead.

The animal has exhibited symptoms consistent with the disease since Thursday, August 31. Authorities observed and analyzed him on September 2, and all necessary swab tests were carried out that day.

“We’re waiting for the sequencing to determine if the animal ingested the (virus) carrier bird, or if it was a species-to-species transmission”MGAP Director Fernando Mattos told Channel 10’s news program Underlined.

First case of H5 avian influenza detected in wild mammal in Uruguay, In particular, a dead sea lion was found in Playa del Cerro de Montevideo.

Notably, Uruguayan authorities suspended the A health emergency for avian influenza was declared on 15 February following the detection of a case of a black-necked swan in the Laguna Garzón area.

According to the World Health Organization, since 2020, bird flu has caused “unprecedented” deaths of wild and domestic birds in many parts of Africa, Asia and Europe.. The virus spread to North America in 2021, and then to Central and South America in 2022.

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