Black feminism wins over a world audience and becomes Beyoncé’s anthem

“We tell girls that they can have ambition, but not too much… to be successful, but not too successful, or else they’ll threaten men.” he claimed Chimamanda Ngozi AdichieIn a series of “US ‘TED Talks’ conferenceswe should all be feminists”, After which something unexpected happened: That speech had worldwide resonance and the weight of a global pop star beyonce in songs and videos”flawless,
at home today United States of americaborn and lived Nigeria Where she returns regularly, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie has established herself as a highly inventive writer and essayist. Furthermore, she is courageous: she knows how to confront thorny issues such as the excessive power of men, the complex Nigerian society, the internal conflicts of the diaspora, underpinning the feminism seen and experienced by people with black skin and those who come from Africa and who are not fair skin. With the change in perspective, it also directly affects the women and men of western countries.

Click here for Beyonce’s “Flawless” video featuring Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Francesca Giomi’s essay on the writer who became an icon

For this thorough intellectual, he reserves a well-written essay to read with gusto Francesca Giomi, Africanist, scholar of African literature in English and “black” literature in Great Britain. The title is clear: “Dip the roots without shaking off the earth. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and the continent-world, Wherein, along with an overview of her literary works in African and Nigerian literature, the author presents an essential argument in the chapter “Towards Feminism of the Third Millennium”. torrent praise, The Nigerian narrator and essayist who has become an “icon”, writes Francesca Geomi, “explains a feminism that cannot ignore issues of race, class, gender and ethnicity”, the daughter of a generation that uses social media and YouTube, she does not disdain Beyoncé’s intervention at all.

Click here for a subtitled video of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s TED Talks lecture “We should all be feminists”.

“An African Discourse of Women’s Empowerment”

Chimamanda has become a feminist champion by starting an African discourse of female liberation, especially with the first novel purple hibiscus Where the young hero fights against patriarchal oppression – she explains out loud Tiscali Culture scholar – in the novel half of the yellow sun The two hero sisters had a strong role in the Biafra War and have been consulted on feminist issues ever since. As a black African woman she confronts the traditional patriarchal system and colonial oppression.
In short, Chimamanda exposes the many forms of oppression in her pages, writes Francesca Geomi, and embraces the thinking of seminal writers such as African American. bellhook (in lower case) “that in the original am i not a woman black women and feminism 1981 examines the historical impact of sexism and racism on black women, the devaluation of black womanhood, and white-supremacist-capitalist-patriarchal thought.

“Chimamanda, spokesperson for doubly subjugated women”

This is by no means a speech only for black women, one suspects: What does it say for white people? To the Italians? “It is a powerful message aimed at reducing privilege – Italian scholar answers the phone – It highlights that black women are doubly subjugated and in comparison, white women still enjoy a privileged position in the West. Chimmanda is not the first woman to say so, but she has become a spokesperson for these studies.
Xiaomi highlighted, it is necessary to remember Bengali-American philosopher Gayatri Chakraborty Spivak, mentioned in the book. “In texts like Can the subaltern speak? Spivak asks whether, as a subordinate, as a person in a postcolonial reality, and as a woman, she can speak up. Since fiction has immense potential, not least in the West thanks to the fame achieved by the novels, Chimamanda delivers a feminist message that she inherited from great voices like Bell Hooks, like Spivak, Nobel laureates like Americans. toni morrison Or alice walker, Chimamanda is no academic, I can’t swear she’s read Spivak, but we scholars go back to these principles, and she gives this speech great visibility.

“Fashion Testimonial? In this way the message is multiplied.

Even the fashion is based on the feminist words of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. If your discourse becomes consumption, do you run the risk of being too frivolous to sell a product? “Like anything there is a risk – Xiaomi answers – but to have a woman from Nigeria speaking globally about women’s liberation, fighting against patriarchy, it is definitely an advantage. when did she become testimonial of cosmetics or bags Some of Dior consider it commercialization but on the other hand this way the message gets multiplied. Above all, according to Adichie Ngozi, on page 35 the scholar recalls “Humiliating a woman because she cares about clothes and makeup is a sexist culture, The author therefore “invites us to make clothing a matter of taste or attractiveness, but not of morality”.

“A powerful voice because she writes beautiful novels”

However, when the Nigerian author describes herself as “a happy feminist in lipstick and heels” when she argues that being a feminist does not mean suppressing one’s femininity or shutting out the male side of life, is she not addressing a discourse that many feminists have already addressed? “If it is an established fact for us, here we are talking about a young woman who comes from Nigeria and from the position of an African woman – Geomi answers – Chimamanda is today a spokesperson for these requests from a central position in the United States, from where she can also reach the Western public. It is not the first or the only one but in ten years it has strengthened its message. And she’s created a character because she’s a great storyteller, not a pretense: her novels have strong material and they’re beautiful.

to study in italian

francis geomi,Dip the roots without shaking off the earth. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and the continent-world”, Arras Editions, 136 pages, 16 euros, with a contribution by Andrea Sirotti
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, half of the yellow sun (Novel), Einaudi 456 pages, 14 Euro, translated by Susanna Basso
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, purple hibiscus (Novel), Einaudi, 288 pages, 12 Euro, translation by Maria Giuseppina Cavallo
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, that thing in your throat (Short Stories), Einaudi, 224 pages, 19 Euro, translation by Andrea Sirotti
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, we should all be feminists (essay), Einaudi, 64 pages, 12 euros, translation by Francesca Spinelli

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