Book club, all the celebrities who have

If this summer you wanted to read a good book but you don’t know where to start, this might be the right occasion to get inspired and join one of your favorite celebrities. book club. As we have already seen with Kendall Jennera few stolen pictures can influence our choices even in the literary field and give life to real case publications. OUR reading groups this is a great way to create a sense of belonging and a good move for a celebrity who wants to get her involved community make her feel like a part of something. In addition to this, there is a desire to recommend new books and discuss with someone just read. For these reasons there were many book clubs led by celebrities was born on time.

What are the most popular book clubs? What books do you read?

Oprah Book Club

what from Oprah Winfrey it is probably one of the most popular book clubs. It was born in 1996 as a format within The Oprah Winfrey Show and had the merit of creating editorial affairs. Many underrated novels have sold millions of copies thanks to the contributions of Oprah Winfrey herself. It is she who every month chooses a book for joint reading and commenting. Publishers are honored to be among the books selected enough to claim it on the cover.. Over time, the spaces and methods of discussion have changed, and as of 2019, the Reading Group has moved to Apple TV+. Each episode offers viewers a front row seat to watch. candid conversations with incredible authors which highlights the key themes of each reading. On the club website and via Instagram, you can keep up to date with current readings.

While reading a book: Water Pact – Abraham Verghese

Celebrity Book Clubs

The author was inspired to create the image of Big Ammachi by his great-grandmother. Forced to marry at the age of 12 to a widower with a father, she will become the matriarch of a Christian community in Kerala, India. This is how our a trip between three generations of a family which from 1900 to 1977 experiences mysterious drownings, curses, colonialism and the quest for independence. This epic tale is full of lyricism and tension, taking us through time and continents.

“This is one of the best books I have read in my entire life. It’s epic. It was undeniable!” – Oprah Winfrey

Belletrist Book Club

Celebrity Book Clubs

Celebrity Book Clubs

book exchange between Emma Roberts and her best friend Kara Preiss this became the basis of their friendship. The two lived separately, one in Los Angeles and the other in New York, and mailing books to each other with commentaries and notes written on them was important to their relationship. It was a hint at the creation of an online reading group in 2017. Emma and Kara have similar tastes, but sometimes their choices are unique, which at first glance is a strong contrast. Thanks to the site, you can keep up to date with the news of the month, and on Facebook and Instagram you can join the community and interact directly with other members.

Book Reading: The Three of Us by Ore Agbaje-Williams

Celebrity Book Clubs

Long-standing tensions between a husband, his wife and her best friend finally come to a head in this poignant comedy set throughout the day. Three of us – a triptych of family life is told in three tense and gripping parts that go from comical to morbid in a spellbinding way. The book is currently not available in Italian.

Reese Book Club

Celebrity Book Clubs

Celebrity Book Clubs

Beyond Acting Reese Witherspoon she is very passionate about books, she is identified as a real “master book lover” and every month he chooses a book for his book club that centers on a woman. On the site you can find the reading of the month and also buy it Reading box with a book and a set of personal hygiene products. The reading group is also active on Instagram, where Reese Witherspoon personally intervenes with announcements and updates on readings done together.

Book Reading: Cassandra in Reverse – Holly Smale

Celebrity Book Clubs

This super charming and witty novel about Cassie, who is stuck in a time loop and is trying to get out of the third worst day of her life.. He seems to understand what’s going on, up until the moment when it comes to an unexpected turn. Listen to Reese Witherspoon’s presentation here. The book is currently not available in Italian.

Gup Book Club

Celebrity Book Clubs

In 2020, Gwyneth Paltrow opened a book club on her Goop website.. At Goop Book Club, you can read stories that get you thinking and moving, that raise tough questions and lead to important conversations. For each selected book, special content is created for the site, there is also a closed Facebook group and a chat with the author of the book of the month. These discussions are then uploaded to the Goop YouTube channel. If you want to join the conversation on Instagram, you can tag @goop and use the hashtag #goopbookclub. However, in all this Gwyneth Paltrow has never been actively involved. who does not participate in live broadcasts and never allows himself to be photographed with selected books.

Reading Book: About the Book – Devi S. Laskar

Celebrity Book Clubs

A subtle and thrifty love story, which begins with the life of the seventeen-year-old protagonist. The book explores how family, identity, aspiration and the promise of freedom shape us. At the moment it is only available in the original language.

Book Club Service95

Also Dua Lipa recently launched her own reading group using her platform Service95. It is she who chooses books to read and comment on every month, ranging from different genres, from classic fiction to the latest memoirs. On this occasion, detailed content and real discussion guides are created, and other reading recommendations are provided.

Book in Reading: The Story of Shugga Bane – Douglas Stewart

Celebrity Book Clubs

This novel tells the story of a woman and child, mother and son, who, in 1980s Glasgow, struggle to survive in a dysfunctional family and a city devastated by an economic crisis.

“I clearly have a penchant for heartbreaking books, and this one is no exception. And yet there is so much love in the pages of this book, especially between Shuggi and his mother Agnes.” – Dua Lipa

Our common shelf

Even an actress Emma Watson spawned a very popular readership. Founded in 2016 Our common shelf is a feminist book club. focused on issues such as intersectionality, gender equality and inclusion. The initiative was immediately a great success, including with the participation of the authors of selected books, who are personally interviewed by Emma Watson, asking them questions asked by users. This reading group is no longer active on Goodreads at this time, but it is still possible to restore all content created in recent years.

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