Bosse and Palau, family vacation after court ruling

Despite the tension between their ex-partners, Miguel Bosse and Nacho Palau decided to put their differences aside for the sake of their children and enjoyed a few days together. holiday together in Mallorca.

In 2018, the singer and sculptor announced their divorce after more than 26 years of marriage. four common children Birth through surrogacy. A bitter confrontation ensued between the couple, which they aired publicly and ended up in court over custody of their children.

Last May, the Supreme Court ruled that the two minors were not siblings because Two copies registered in the name of one parent and two copies registered in the name of the other parent. Although they grew up together, the separation meant Diego stayed in Mexico with Tadeo and Miguel Bosse, while Ivo and Telmo traveled to Spain with Palau. The Valencians therefore tried from the outset to have the paternity of the four children recognized by both parents, but the High Court ruled that for this they had to adopt the minor before separating. Regardless, he admits the kids are actually family.

Furthermore, among the measures taken, Judicial decision includes kids spending holiday together. This has been the case since the four minors spent a few days in Palma de Mallorca in the company of Miguel Bosse and Nacho Palau.The six live in a house in Manacor, ideally located so that they can enjoy long awaited privacy Ignore the curious and the media for the upcoming meeting.

In recent years, Bosse has chosen the Balearic Islands as his summer retreat. This time, in addition to enjoying the sea, the pool, nature and evenings with his friends, he was able to take the children to the tennis school of Rafa Nadal, a famous and successful player in Manacor.

to the doctor

Even so, the singer did not escape the shock that he had to go to the Rotger Clinic in Parma for treatment. you have problems with your vocal cords. It’s Bosé’s voice that’s been worrying his admirers lately, as his dental disease left him with chronic sinusitis for eight years. He’s moved out of that phase as much as a head-on confrontation with his ex-partner, though after a few days together, the relationship isn’t as rocky as one might think.

Bosser’s recent review of his life by writing a memoir and preparing a biographical documentary has led him to a new phase. He recently admitted: “That’s how this long period ended, resolved and gave peace, and I’m very grateful for that and for the life I’ve chosen and how special it is. Now I’m starting another life.”

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