According to British tabloid Sun, ex-husband Kevin Federline allegedly accused the pop star of using methamphetamines and worries about her. However, in a post on Instagram, Spears denied the veracity of the statements, and Federline himself accused the publication of fabricating lies.
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“The fact that people say things that they are not true It’s so sad…” In a post posted to Instagram last Sunday, Britney Spears responded to tabloid rumors Sun, who hinted that his family was concerned about his alleged drug problems. According to the publication, the ex-husband Kevin Federline would say that the pop star is “under methamphetaminesand will “pray that someone will make this public and that she will wake up… this is terrible. She is the mother of my children.” Both sons of Spears Preston17 years old and JaydenThe 16-year-old also reportedly saw a person close to his mother give her what appeared to be drugs before deciding not to see her again last summer. “I don’t want the kids to wake up one morning and find their mom overdosed,” continued Federline, who reportedly planned to intervene. “Maybe they don’t even say these things because it doesn’t make any sense to me for them to say that,” Spears countered on social media.
According to rolling stoneRumors have swirled in recent months that Federline and their two sons are planning to move to Hawaii, further alienating them from Spears. “When Preston said:“ He must listen to us before it’s too late … Do you remember every visit when you came to my house, went into your room and locked the door? I never saw you guys… Jayden played the piano and we made music together… But the day I asked him to see you more, I never saw you again,” the pop star wrote on Instagram. “I’m sad because I tried so hard to make everything good for you and they were never good enough. So you guys are talking about me behind my back… it breaks my heart and the news is so bad… I have always felt that the news intimidates me.… it’s sad because everyone sits like it’s right invent lies up to this point.”
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In a statement sent tmzFederline admitted that he gave an interview Sun however, without mentioning Spears’ methamphetamine use, adding that he was saddened by the tabloid’s decision, “fabricate a lie and post the heartache our family has endured, along with the trauma of our minor children.” Spears’ ex-husband further argued that lying and attempting to exploit minors “are clickbait and another repulsive example of where, unfortunately, certain journalism has gone today.”