Bruce Springsteen suspends concerts due to peptic ulcer: Symptoms to watch out for

Pain and glory. “Boss” temporarily left the stage due to an ulcer.

  • A singer from New Jersey announced that he was suspending all concerts until 2024, but said he was recovering

“Bruce is undergoing treatment peptic ulcer symptoms “His medical advisors have decided to postpone the remaining performances in September,” the musician’s decades-long band, the E Street Band, said in a statement earlier this month. September is not enough. Springsteen himself had to announce that he would be taking a break for the rest of the year. “I will continue treatment for the rest of the year Follow medical advice,” he said.

Bruce Springsteen postpones all concerts until 2024 due to peptic ulcer

His successful tour to our country a few months ago was cancelled. The following cities were most affected: Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburgh or Washington. “We had a great time performing in the US and we hope to have many more great times to come. We’ll be back soon. Love and God bless you all.” “The Boss” bid farewell to fans for now.

What is peptic ulcer? What are its symptoms?

For starters, this is a pain. Especially after a meal.Normal: This is Open ulcers on the lining of the stomach and the upper part of the small intestine; therefore, the so-called “mucosa” is often affected by bacteria, e.g. Helicobacter pylori, this type of stomach trouble is usually suspected. But ulcers can also be caused by habitual use. anti-inflammatories and heat regulators such as aspirin or ibuprofen.

Other symptoms to watch out for: Be careful if you encounter them nauseaa burning sensation in the upper part of the stomach, or feeling full after taking a few bites.

Until 2024, kids. Springsteen has performed more than 60 concerts during his world tour.Walter McBride

Peptic ulcers occur more frequently among the elderly, so it’s no surprise that Springsteen, 74, was affected.When these symptoms occur, you must go to the hospital immediately Physical examination And once an ulcer is discovered, the most convenient thing is to suspend physical activity and continue treatment, as the artist did. Failure to do so can lead to serious symptoms such as dramatic weight loss, bloody vomiting, black, tarry stools, and even more lasting pain.


When faced with symptoms of peptic ulcer, the first thing experts usually do is checkHelicobacter pylori detection test. If the result is positive, it is normal for the patient to begin treatment. antibiotic treatment. Endoscopy is also one of the recommended tests for these symptoms, as it can locate the ulcer and understand its severity. In certain cases, surgery may be necessary if bleeding occurs and gastroscopy cannot stop it.

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