Burridge claims flu was the reason for his ‘difficult’ performance in Argentina presidential debate

FILE - BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA, APRIL 12, 2023: Presidential pre-candidates Patricia Bullrich, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta Rodriguez Larreta, Gerardo Morales, Javier Milei, Miguel Ângel Pichetto and Juan Schiare Juan Schiaretti presented their proposal for the rural sector.this

FILE – BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA, APRIL 12, 2023: Presidential pre-candidates Patricia Bullrich, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta Rodriguez Larreta, Gerardo Morales, Javier Milei, Miguel Ângel Pichetto and Juan Schiare Juan Schiaretti presented their proposal for the rural sector.this – Europa Press/Contact/Esteban Osorio – Archive

Madrid, October 2 (European Media) –

Patricia Bullrich, the presidential candidate of the Argentinian conservative coalition Conspiracy, said “a very strong flu” was making her “difficult” during Sunday’s five-way debate in Argentina’s presidential election. “Reason for intervention.

“Debating with a really bad flu is difficult. It made me feel terrible for days and it was so important to be able to focus. I will keep my resolve, my ideas and the things I believe in “We make the difference,” Burridge said in a statement to Continental Radio. “

Burridge stressed that in the second debate, scheduled for next Sunday, he hopes to be “better” than the previous debate, in which he said he felt “good” and had “clear arguments.” .

In addition, he highlighted an achievement in which Sergio Massa, candidate of the ruling Fatherland League, and Javier Millay, candidate of the far-right Freedom League, “tried and failed to polarize”.

While Mire “committed to renewing his contract,” that was not the case “with his allies.” He also “promised dollarization” but “timidly did not talk about it except at the end”.

“We have the courage and temperament to make changes. We have a plan, a team and our own political power that will guarantee the change that Argentines are waiting for,” Burridge stressed.

Regarding the controversy over the death toll during the dictatorship, Burridge believes that “it is not a question of numbers” because “killing eight or thirty thousand people is barbaric.”

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