But is Cristiano Ronaldo still the most followed on Instagram?

Cristiano Ronaldo and his followers on Instagram

Cristiano Ronaldo and his followers on Instagram-proiezionidiborsa.it

There are those who think that followers count for nothing and those who instead rely only on them. In the first places are many VIPs with millions of followers who love to follow the life of the stars. Every year the ranking of the most followed is made, but do we still have Ronaldo in first place in 2023?

“Followers don’t live on memories. You have to give them something day by day”, wrote Fabrizio Caramagna, Italian author and writer of aphorisms. And in fact, to arrive at figures that reach 6 zeros of followers it is necessary to give them something, and someone in particular seems to be very good at this.
In fact, celebrities have the highest number of followers who love to share their private life, their passions and their work on the Meta social network. But who are the most followed on Instagram in 2023?

The most followed profile is not of a person

For the record the most followed profile is not that of a personbut rather of a company. It has 623 million followers and the account is that of Instagram. Their feed showcases the hottest people and trends on the social. But we don’t just have people or trends, we also have cute animals that amuse the various users.

But is Cristiano Ronaldo still the one with the most followers?

Among the people, however, it is confirmed to be Cristiano Ronaldo with 567 million followers. The footballer on his social network, which is also very profitable, posts many photos of his private life, but above all of his work as a footballer. There are also photos with Georgina who is on Netflix with the second season of “Soy Georgina”.

Instagram’s top 5

In second place let’s find another footballer, that is Leo Messi with his 447 million of followers. And even in his case the posts mainly talk about football.
In third place we no longer find Kyle Jenner who moves to fourth, but Selena Gomez and its 405 million followers. In fact, the singer had been overtaken by Jenner for a certain period, but it seems that now things have returned to their place. Finally, in fifth place we find Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson with his 371 million followers. But is Cristiano Ronaldo still the most followed on Instagram? If we talk about people yes, but in reality the profile with the most followers is that of Instagram itself.

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