By targeting American bases in Iraq and Syria… the factions adopt…

American forces in Iraq (Agence France-Presse archive)

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After multiple attacks on American military bases in Iraq and Syria since mid-October, Iraq’s armed factions announced Thursday that they had targeted two American bases in Iraq with four drone strikes.

A statement said the attacks targeted the Ain al-Assad base in western Iraq and the American base near Erbil airport in the north of the country.

He also added that the attacks “directly hit their targets.”

He also added that he had bombed the American base in Al-Omar camp in Syria with a drone. Factions belonging to the so-called “Islamic Resistance in Iraq” said in a statement that the drone “directly hit its target”.

Koneko Camp Base

Interestingly, last Thursday these factions announced that they had targeted the American base in Koniko camp in the Deir ez-Zor countryside in response to Israeli attacks on Gaza.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said what it described as Iranian-backed groups fired a missile at the international coalition base in Koniko camp, with no reports of human casualties.

He also pointed out that international coalition aircraft targeted sites of armed groups affiliated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in the Deir ez-Zor countryside in response to the attack on the American base.

72 attacks

An American military official said Thursday that American forces and the international coalition against ISIS have been subjected to new attacks in the last 48 hours in Iraq and Syria with drones and missiles, without causing casualties or damage to infrastructure, after the attacks Americans had targeted loyal fighters. to Iran, according to AFP.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, also added that American and international forces were attacked in two locations in northeastern Syria using several missiles and a suicide drone.

He also added that several suicide drones were launched over Ain al-Asad air base west of Baghdad, and one drone was launched over a base hosting American forces near Erbil airport in northern Iraq.

He concluded by saying that in total Washington has recorded 72 attacks (36 in Iraq and 37 in Syria) since October 17, i.e. 10 days after the start of the war between Israel and the Palestinian factions.

“Precision Shots”

The attacks come after the US military command in the Middle East announced early Wednesday that it had carried out “precision strikes” on two Iraqi Hezbollah Brigades sites south of Baghdad, in response to repeated attacks launched by pro-Iranian factions against US and coalition forces in Iraq and Syria.

Meanwhile, the Hezbollah Brigades claimed that the attack resulted in the killing of 8 of its members.

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