Cali is the city with the second highest number of hepatitis A and tuberculosis cases in Colombia

One such situation is of great concern to health authorities in Cali, which has the second-highest number of hepatitis A cases in the country.

As of August 5 last year, the valley capital had registered 294 cases of hepatitis A, accounting for 1 in every 5 cases of hepatitis A in Colombia.

In this risk ranking, “Sucursal del Cielo” is second only to the province of Antioquia, with 416 cases.

In terms of rate per 100,000 inhabitants, Cali (12.8) ranks first among national territorial entities, more than 4 times higher than the national rate (2.9).

Cali’s TB

Of the disease, 1,014 cases have been reported, making the city the second largest regional entity after Antioquia (2,394 cases).

In terms of incidence, the city has 44.1 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, the second highest in the country after Barranquilla (45.0).

Furthermore, Cali (44.1) has twice the national rate of tuberculosis (22.4).

Coronavirus disease

Santiago Cali registered 1,413 Covid-19 cases, making it the third-highest territorial entity after Bogota (11,594) and Antioquia (4,056).

Thus, the city accounts for 5 out of 100 cases nationwide.

Cali ranks fourth among the territorial entities of the country in terms of incidence, with 61.5 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, ahead of Bogota (145.5), Arauca (78.8) and Barranquilla (63.1).

Nonetheless, it is worth noting that Cali (61.5) surpassed the national Covid-19 incidence rate of 50.6 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

chickenpox case

Cali registered a total of 845 cases, 5 out of every 100 cases in the country, thus ranking fourth among the 38 entities in terms of the number of cases (after Bogota, Antioquia and Guaini Asia).
In contrast, the city has 36.8 cases of chickenpox per 100,000 inhabitants, ranking 15th out of 38 territorial entities, with Guaynia in first place with 2,455.0 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, a ratio of Worrying, 77 times the national rate (31.9). ).

Cali dengue outbreak

The valley capital reported 3,908 dengue cases, the fourth-highest among the 38 territorial entities reporting information to the National Institutes of Health, with six cases for every 100 cases nationwide.

Cali (170.1) ranks 16th out of 38 territorial entities in terms of rate per 100,000 inhabitants.

The country tops the list in the state of Amazonas with a dengue rate of 1,152.6 cases per 100,000 inhabitants and a national rate of 124.8 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, lower than Cali’s figures.

Mental Health in Cali

With 1,166 suicide attempts registered, 5 out of every 100 suicides in the country, the city positions itself as the regional entity with the fourth highest number of suicides, after the province of Antioquia, which Topped the list with 3,660 cases.

Cali ranks 11th out of 38 territorial entities in terms of suicide rate, with 50.8 suicide attempts per 100,000 inhabitants.


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